FN - Food & Nutrition
FN225 Nutrition (Course offered online)
Credits 4Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W, each with a grade of "C" or higher. Co-requisite: MTH058 or MTH065; or placement above stated course levels. Recommended requisite: Biology with genetics (BI102, BI112, or BI212), CH104 and WR121Z.
This course is an introduction to the science of nutrition. The biological functions and dietary sources of essential nutrients and non-nutrients are studied, as well as the relationship of diet to health. Contemporary national and international nutritional concerns are presented. The student is required to complete a computer-assisted, three-day diet survey and written evaluation. Students cannot earn credit for both HE225 and FN225.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education; Non-Lab Science
View Course Outcomes:
- Analyze and evaluate a personal 3-day diet survey
- Analyze the "Nutrition Facts" panel of the food label and calculate nutrient content
- Discuss the nutrition recommendations for reducing the risk of major diseases where diet is a significant risk factor
- Discuss the role of non-nutrients in foods for maintenance of health
- Identify the major nutrients of concern during the lifecycle to include pregnancy, infancy, adolescents and older adult
- List and describe the major essential nutrients
- List and discuss the dietary recommendations for food and nutrient intakes
Course fees are subject to change. Additional section fees (web, hybrid, etc.) may apply.
Online option regularly offered
Cultural Literacy course