ET - Engineering Technology
ET116 Advanced Engineering Graphics
Credits 3Winter
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH065; each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels. Recommended requisite: Previous CAD experience.
This course serves as an advanced graphics course using computer-aided drafting (CAD) skills. Included are advanced graphic communication, multiview and pictorial representation, graphical analysis and solutions, 3D modeling, and lite model simulations.
View Course Outcomes:
- Compose proportioned multiview, isometric, and oblique sketches
- Construct 3D models in AutoCAD using basic geometric construction techniques and Boolean operations
- Discuss the role of graphical communication in the engineering design process
- Organize drawings in AutoCAD using templates and layers
- Prepare part models for additive manufacturing processes.
ET120 Engineering Problem Solving
Credits 4Fall
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
Engineering problem solving is a framework for bringing problems of the "real world" into the classroom. Students solve these problems by proceeding through a problem-solving cycle, step by carefully documented step. In addition to this process students learn to use tools such as EXCEL, WORD, and other engineering software's to solve typical problems. Students in the course will be exposed to concepts of persistence, responsibility, and college success through the GRIT model.
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate good engineering documentation for graphics, equations and data.
- Demonstrate the use of EXCEL in an engineering application.
- Demonstrate the use of WORD and the equation writer in an engineering document.
- Describe the use of the design loop for problem solving.
- Explain the concepts of persistence and GRIT as it applies to engineering.
ET150 Plane Surveying
Credits 4Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W, each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels; and MTH095.
This course introduces fundamental concepts of plane surveying. Mathematics is used in applying the correction of errors, calculation of angles and bearings and the adjustment of traverses. Field survey practice is included.
View Course Outcomes:
- Calculate allowable closures for field data
- Calculate coordinates of points given a starting point and angular distance information
- Calculate direction and distance of a line given coordinates of the two end points
- Collect field data and use it to prepare a contour map
- Convert between Azimuths and Bearing
- Measure distances, elevations, and angles using engineer's level, transit, total station, compass, tape, and related instruments and equipment
- Perform the calculations and do the adjustments to balance a traverse using the Compass Rule
- Use the proper techniques to reduce and correct errors in field measurements
ET210 Sustainable Engineering
Credits 3Winter
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels.
This course is an introduction to sustainable engineering practices including present sustainable analysis, life cycle analysis and alternative material analysis. The course explores the benefits and possible pit falls to "going green" with a product and builds strategies to create an eco-advantage.
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate knowledge in Centralized Power applications.
- Describe and create a present sustainable analysis
- Describe life cycle analysis (LCA)
- Describe sustainability
- Describe Sustainable Housing Systems
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of “going green”
- Describe the traditional engineering disciplines, and what they do
- Research and report newsworthy stories, related to the student’s chosen field of of sustainable engineering
ET215 Additive Modeling with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Credits 4Spring
Registration Requirement: ENGR248.
Additive Modeling with Artificial Intelligence (AI) course covers the topics of advanced parts and assemblies, simulation and topology optimization. You will learn how to use Solidworks simulation along with topology optimization to create multiple versions of parts based on designer inputs. After the design for optimization is complete students will learn and practice multiple prints on additive manufacturing process.
View Course Outcomes:
- Create advanced assembly creation of 10 or more parts including motion simulation and clearance analysis.
- Demonstrate advanced part modeling techniques including lofting, shelling, and revolutions.
- Preform load analysis and stress strain simulations.
- Demonstrate topology optimization and produce multiple versions of the same part.
- Explain the design for additive manufacturing and demonstrate the operation of additive printers.
ET221 Statics
Credits 4Winter
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W, each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels; and MTH095.
This course covers the study of forces and the effect of forces acting upon rigid bodies at rest, including resolution of forces, equilibrium and resultants of force systems.
View Course Outcomes:
- Calculate and document according to engineering standards the centroids of areas both composite and simple and find the center of mass
- Convert between U.S. and International system of units
- Demonstrate knowledge of forces such as wedges, threads, bearings and belts
- Demonstrate the proper use of 3 equilibrium equations as they are applied to trusses, frames and machines
- Demonstrate unit calculations
- Identify and work with forces and force systems including: types, equilibrium and free diagrams, 2- and 3-dimensional forces and moments of forces and couples
- Identify Newton's Laws
- Solve, using knowledge of distributed forces, for loads distributed along a line, internal moments and moments in beams, shear and bending moments, loads in cables and load due to cables
ET222 Fluid Mechanics
Credits 3Fall
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W, each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels; and MTH095.
This course covers the basic principles of fluid mechanics: hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy, flow rates, Bernoulli's Equation, energy losses, viscosity, laminar and turbulent flow and open channel flow.
View Course Outcomes:
- Analyze fluid flow systems to determine energy losses and additions
- Apply Bernoulli's Equation to fluid flow systems
- Calculate flow rate in open channels based on weir and flume measurements
- Calculate Pump and cylinder specification based on flow and pressure needed.
- Determine resultant forces exerted by static fluids on submerged surfaces and bodies
- Solve problems involving the relationships between pressure, force, mass, density, unit weight and specific gravity in both the English and the Metric Systems
- Understand Work in kW, Hp and torque per unit time.
ET227 Engineering Project Management
Credits 4Fall
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W, each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels; and MTH065.
Project management practices used in manufacturing and construction are introduced. Topics include project delivery, contractual arrangements, project phases, cost-estimating, work-planning and scheduling, tracking and cost control, trend analysis and forecasting, group process and leadership and economic feasibility analysis. The basics of engineering economics are introduced and use of the critical-path method is included.
View Course Outcomes:
- Apply appropriate phase-specific contingencies to project cost estimates
- Apply different kinds of project strategies and contractual arrangements
- Conduct simple feasibility studies using the principles of engineering economics
- Create a project schedule with conventional network analysis (using CPM software)
- Describe the ethical responsibilities of the engineering profession.
- Determine project status by developing a percent complete matrix
- Develop a cost-schedule variance graph to analyze project trends and to make forecasts
- Develop Work and Cost Breakdown Structures (WBS and CBS) for a project
ET231 Basic Strengths of Materials
Credits 4Spring
Registration Requirement: ET221.
A study of stresses and deformations resulting from forces acting on structural materials.
View Course Outcomes:
- Complete calculations required in the design of structural connections such as rivets, bolts and welded connections
- Demonstrate the relationship between stress and strain
- Determine beam deflections by demonstrating the methods: Moment areaBeam deflection formulasMethod of superposition
- Determine stress distribution in loaded beams
- Determine the moment of inertia of simple and composite areas (including built up structural steel shapes)
- Explain combined stresses relating to stresses due to: Bending moments and axial forcesBending about two axesEccentrically loaded membersThin walled pressure vessels
- Perform the computations to determine the principal stresses and maximum shear stresses
- Prepare load, shear, moment and deflection diagrams
- Transform plane stress and use Mohr's circle of stress
ET249 Advanced Solidworks
Credits 3Spring
Registration Requirement: ENGR248.
Advanced SolidWorks course covers the topics of Advanced Parts and Assemblies. You will learn how to use multi-body solids, sweeping and lofting features, as well as the more advanced shaping and assembly modeling capabilities of SOLIDWORKS mechanical design automation software. Sheet metal applications and load analysis will also be covered.
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate advanced assembly creation of 10 or more parts including motion simulation and clearance analysis.
- Demonstrate advanced part modeling techniques including lofting, shelling, and revolutions.
- Demonstrate Load analysis and stress strain simulations.
- Explains additive manufacturing applications to solid modeling including: sterolithography, rapid prototyping model material and support post processing.
- Explains sheet metal layout and create fold analysis and material optimization.
ET250 Project Capstone
Credits 4Spring
Registration Requirement: ET240; or instructor consent.
A course designed as a capstone project-based course. The student will develop a real project schedule, progress reports, presentations and team meeting agendas. Projects are composed of engineering analysis, graphics and communication. The course is designed to allow students the opportunity to accomplish a project from concept to completion.
View Course Outcomes:
- Create a project schedule
- Define the project problem
- Identify and solve project bottlenecks
- Manage a team
- Manage time
- Plan work
- Prepare and present project progress report
- Produce project documentation
ET263 Structural Design
Credits 4Spring
Registration Requirement: Corequisite: ET231.
This course introduces the fundamentals of structural design for buildings. Students learn to design simple wood and steel systems to resist gravity and lateral forces in accordance with IBC code requirements.
View Course Outcomes:
- Analyze shear wall, diaphragm, and simple braced-frame lateral load resisting systems
- Design simple bolted and nailed wood connections
- Design simple bolted and welded steel connections
- Design simply supported wood and steel beams
- Design wood and steel columns
- Determine wind and earthquake loading for simple building structures
ET266 Concrete and Soil Technology
Credits 4Winter
Registration Requirement: ET221
This course covers the properties and behavior of Portland cement concrete, soil, and aggregates as they relate to construction. Topics include the design of concrete mixes, techniques of placement, curing, testing and inspection. Additionally, common laboratory and field tests to determine index properties for classification and mechanical properties of soils and compacted fills for foundation engineering are covered.
View Course Outcomes:
- Classify soils according to the Unified Soils Classification System (USCS).
- Conduct common laboratory tests to determine index and mechanical properties of soils for foundation design.
- Conduct laboratory tests on soils to determine the parameters used to inspect compacted fills, and describe the procedures used to construct compacted fills.
- Describe site and subsurface investigation methods commonly used in the production of geotechnical engineering reports.
- Describe the batching, transporting, placing, and curing techniques of quality concrete.
- Describe the role of geotechnical engineering in design and construction.
- Describe the use of reinforced concrete in design and construction.
- Determine the proportions of a concrete mixture meeting specified quality and workability criteria.
- Measure the properties of concrete aggregates that are used in mix design.
- Perform a trial mix and measure the properties of the fresh and hardened concrete.
Course fees are subject to change. Additional section fees (web, hybrid, etc.) may apply.