ENGR - Engineering
ENGR201 Electrical Fundamentals I
Credits 5Winter
Registration Requirement: RD090, WR090 and MTH252, each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
In this study of basic electrical circuit theory for engineers, students analyze voltage and current relationships. The course covers circuit parameters of resistance, inductance and capacitance. It includes basic DC and AC circuits and their natural responses.
This course fulfills: Non-Lab Science
View Course Outcomes:
- Analyze passive circuit elements in the phasor domain
- Apply circuit analysis techniques and resistive circuits that have non-ideal sources, calculate source transformation and maximum power transfer
- Apply circuit analysis techniques to operational amplifiers
- Define energy storage elements
- Define voltage, current, power and energy
- Define, using integral calculus and differential equations, current and voltage relationships for capacitors and inductors
- Demonstrate Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Current Law and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
- Demonstrate the fundamentals of electrical safety
- Demonstrate the use of basic electrical instruments and analytical techniques involving empirical data
- Explain Thevenin and Norton Equivalents
- Identify ideal voltage and current sources
- Solve fundamental series and parallel resistive circuits
ENGR211 Statics
Credits 4Fall
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH252; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
Statics students analyze the forces induced in structures and machines by various types of loading. Topics include 3-D equilibrium analysis, internal forces, centroids, moments of inertia and frictional equilibrium.
This course fulfills: Non-Lab Science
View Course Outcomes:
- Apply vector algebra and to solve relatively simple geometry problems, and to calculate moments of forces, projection of forces and moments onto various axes
- Construct shear force and bending moment diagrams for simple beams
- Determine whether a system is statically determinate
- Draw free-body diagrams and write the corresponding equations of equilibrium
- Handle problems involving dry friction
- Solve equilibrium equations for unknown force components
ENGR212 Dynamics
Credits 4Spring
Registration Requirement: ENGR211 and PH211.
Dynamics students apply kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, work-energy relationships and impulse-momentum relationships to engineering systems.
This course fulfills: Non-Lab Science
View Course Outcomes:
- Calculate speed and distance by separation of variable in one-dimensional problems
- Calculate speed and distance of a particle by direct integration when the force is a given function of time
- Calculate velocities of points on a rigid body, in relationship to its angular velocity for two-dimensional motion
- Calculate velocity and acceleration where position or speed and radius of curvature are given
- Draw correct free-body diagrams, and correct equations expressing Newton's second law of motion for a particle
- Evaluate velocities and accelerations of points in simple mechanisms, involving gears, sliders and cams
- Solve force systems, and draw free-body diagrams
- Solve moments of force and momentum for rigid body problems in which the direction of angular velocity is fixed
- Solve the work-kinetic energy relationship for a particle, particularly for the case of conservative forces
- Use differential and integral calculus, statics, and physics, to solve dynamic problems
- Use vector algebra to solve simple geometry problems, and to calculate moments for forces, projection of forces, and moments, onto various axes
ENGR213 Strength of Materials
Credits 4Winter
Registration Requirement: ENGR211.
This course covers properties of structural materials and the analysis of stress and deformation in axially loaded members, circular shafts, beams and statically indeterminate systems.
This course fulfills: Non-Lab Science
View Course Outcomes:
- Analyze internal forces in structural members due to axial, torsional, shear, bending moment and combined loading in both two and three dimensions
- Analyze stress and strain and their relationships due to the above loading conditions
- Calculate deflections due to axial and torsional loading
- Predict stress or strain magnitude on various planes based on the corresponding stress or strain components on a defined plane
ENGR248 Engineering Graphics: Solidworks
Credits 3Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
This course provides an introduction to engineering graphics using Solidworks. Topics include graphic communication, multiview and pictorial representation, graphical analysis and solution. Construction of parametric based 3-D models and assemblies is also covered.
View Course Outcomes:
- Apply introductory knowledge of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance (GD&T) to part drawings
- Compose proportioned multiview, isometric, and oblique sketches
- Construct 2D drawings and 3D models in Solidworks using basic geometric construction techniques
- Construct 3D assemblies in Solidworks
- Define and identify projection types including multiview, isometric, oblique, and perspective
- Dimension 2D drawings following engineering standards
- Discuss the role of graphical communication in the engineering design process
- List and describe the components of a set of working drawings
Course fees are subject to change. Additional section fees (web, hybrid, etc.) may apply.