Associate of General Studies (AGS)

The Associate of General Studies (AGS) degree is designed for students who want to receive a broad education. The AGS degree is quite flexible. Courses students take in the AGS can include transfer or career-technical courses. Students should work with an adviser to plan out courses, especially if they intend to transfer at some point.

See the MyMHCC portal for printable degree worksheets

Degree Requirements

Written Communication, 1 course3-4
Oral Communication, 1 course3-4
Mathematics - MTH020 or placement above0-4
Arts & Letters, Social Science, and Science/Math/Computer Science - take a combination of 16 credits, with at least 1 course from each category16
Health and Physical Education 1
Electives, to reach 90 credits65-67
Total Credits90-96

Written Communication

One (1) course:

WR101Workplace Communications I (Course offered online)3
WR121ZComposition I (Course offered online)4
WR122ZComposition II (Course offered online)4
WR227ZTechnical Writing (Course offered online)4

Oral Communication

One (1) course:

COMM100ZBasic Speech Communication (Course offered online)4
COMM111ZPublic Speaking (Course offered online)4
COMM114Argument and Critical Discourse3
COMM115Introduction to Intercultural Communication (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
COMM218ZInterpersonal Communication (Course offered online)4
COMM219Small Group Communication3


Students interested in earning the AGS degree must either place into MTH058 Quantitative Reasoning I or above, or complete MTH020 Applied Arithmetic and Pre-algebra with a grade of C or better.

Please note: MTH098 Quantitative Reasoning II and below will not transfer to a university.

Arts & Letters, Social Science, and Science/Math/Computer Science

16 credits minimum, with at least one (1) course from each category.

Arts and Letters

One (1) course minimum:

Art / Art History
ART115Basic Design I: Two-Dimensional4
ART116Basic Design II: Color Theory4
ART117Basic Design III: Three- Dimensional4
ART204History of Western Art: Prehistoric - Byzantine (Course offered online)4
ART205History of Western Art: Medieval - Renaissance (Course offered online)4
ART206History of Western Art: Baroque - Modern (Course offered online)4
ART211Survey of Visual Arts (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
ART215PSurvey in Visual Arts: Photography3
ART219ACalligraphy - Bookhand2
ART219BCalligraphy - Italics2
ART219CCalligraphy - Historical and Decorative Styles2
ART225Digital Art Toolbox4
ART226Digital Drawing and Imaging4
ART227Introduction to Animation4
ART231Drawing I4
ART232Drawing II4
ART233Drawing III4
ART234Figure Drawing I4
ART235Figure Drawing II4
ART236Figure Drawing III4
ART240Illustration and Cartooning4
ART244Visual Storytelling4
ART254Ceramics I4
ART255Ceramics II4
ART256Ceramics III4
ART257Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing I4
ART258Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing II4
ART259Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing III4
ART260Introduction to Digital Photography4
ART261Black and White Film Photography3
ART262Intermediate Black and White Film Photography3
ART271Printmaking I: Screenprint and Woodcut4
ART272Printmaking II: Silkscreen, Woodcut, and Intaglio4
ART273Printmaking III4
ART281Painting I4
ART282Painting II4
ART283Painting III4
ART291Sculpture I4
ART292Sculpture II4
ART293Sculpture III4
ART294Watercolor I4
ART296Watercolor II4
ART297Watercolor III4
Communication / Speech (cannot be same course used to fulfill Oral Communication requirement)
COMM100ZBasic Speech Communication (Course offered online)4
COMM111ZPublic Speaking (Course offered online)4
COMM114Argument and Critical Discourse3
COMM115Introduction to Intercultural Communication (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
COMM218ZInterpersonal Communication (Course offered online)4
COMM219Small Group Communication3
Creative Writing
WR240Creative Writing: Nonfiction4
WR241Creative Writing: Fiction I (Course offered online)4
WR242Creative Writing: Poetry I (Course offered online)4
WR244Creative Writing: Poetry II4
WR245Creative Writing: Fiction II4
WR291AThe Literary Publication I1
WR291BThe Literary Publication I2
WR292AThe Literary Publication II1
WR292BThe Literary Publication II2
WR293AThe Literary Publication III1
WR293BThe Literary Publication III2
English / Literature
ENG104ZIntroduction to Fiction (Course offered online)4
ENG105ZIntroduction to Drama (Course offered online)4
ENG106ZIntroduction to Poetry4
ENG204British Literature I: Old English to Renaissance (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
ENG205British Literature II: Age of Enlightenment to Present (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
ENG212Latin American Literature (Course offered online)4
ENG218Arthurian Legends4
ENG222Women's Literature (Cultural Literacy course)3
ENG250Introduction to Mythology4
ENG253Survey of American Literature I (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
ENG254Survey of American Literature II (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
ENG261Literature of Science Fiction (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
ENG271World Literature: The Classical World (Ancient Literature to 1000 C.E.) (Cultural Literacy course)4
ENG272World Literature: 1000 to 1800 C.E. (Cultural Literacy course)4
ENG273World Literature: 1800 C.E. to the Present (Cultural Literacy course)4
Ethics in the Workplaces
HUM202Ethics in the Workplace (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
Film Appreciation / Studies
FA257Films and Society (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
FA258Understanding the Film (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
FA266Film Directors (Cultural Literacy course)4
FA270Film Genres (Course offered online)4
Intensive English for College and Careers (IECC)
IECC201CIntensive English: Communicate for College and Careers3
IECC201RIntensive English: Advanced Reading5
IECC201WIntensive English: Advanced Writing5
Modern Languages
ASL101First-year American Sign Language I4
ASL102First-year American Sign Language II4
ASL103First-year American Sign Language III4
ASL201Second-year American Sign Language I (Cultural Literacy course)4
ASL202Second-year American Sign Language II (Cultural Literacy course)4
ASL203Second-year American Sign Language III (Cultural Literacy course)4
JPN101First-year Japanese I5
JPN102First-year Japanese II5
JPN103First-year Japanese III5
JPN201Second-year Japanese I (Cultural Literacy course)5
JPN202Second-year Japanese II (Cultural Literacy course)5
JPN203Second-year Japanese III (Cultural Literacy course)5
SPAN101First-year Spanish I5
SPAN102First-year Spanish II5
SPAN103First-year Spanish III5
SPAN111Beginning Spanish Conversation I3
SPAN112Beginning Spanish Conversation II3
SPAN113Beginning Spanish Conversation III3
SPAN201Second-year Spanish I (Cultural Literacy course)4
SPAN202Second-year Spanish II (Cultural Literacy course)4
SPAN203Second-year Spanish III (Cultural Literacy course)4
SPAN211Intermediate Spanish Conversation I1
SPAN212Intermediate Spanish Conversation II1
SPAN213Intermediate Spanish Conversation III1
Music / Performance
MUS101Music Fundamentals3
MUS103Jazz History3
MUS105History of Rock3
MUS111Music Theory I3
MUS112Music Theory II3
MUS113Music Theory III3
MUS121Aural Skills I1
MUS122Aural Skills II1
MUS123Aural Skills III1
MUS137Beginning Guitar Class1
MUS138Intermediate Guitar Class1
MUS131Group Piano I2
MUS132Group Piano II2
MUS133Group Piano III2
MUS161Jazz Improvisation2
MUS162Jazz Improvisation2
MUS201Music in Cinema (Cultural Literacy course)3
MUS211Music Theory IV (Cultural Literacy course)3
MUS212Music Theory V (Cultural Literacy course)3
MUS213Music Theory VI (Cultural Literacy course)3
MUS221Aural Skills IV: Modulation1
MUS222Aural Skills V: Polyphony1
MUS223Aural Skills VI: Chromaticism1
MUS231Keyboard Harmony I2
MUS232Keyboard Harmony II2
MUS268Music History: Baroque to Romantic (Cultural Literacy course)4
MUP101Wind Ensemble: First Year1
MUS279Popular Songwriting3
MUP105Jazz Ensemble1
MUP114Chamber Ensemble/Jazz Combo: First Year1
MUP115Chamber Choir: First Year1
MUP121Symphonic Choir: First Year1
MUP171-192 Individual Lessons1-2
MUP271-292 Individual Lessons1-2
PHL191Language and the Layout of Argument4
PHL201Introduction to Philosophy (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
PHL202Fundamental Ethics (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
R210World Religions (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
R211History of the Old Testament (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
R212History of the New Testament (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
Theatre Arts
TA101Appreciating Theatre3
TA106Theatre History: Origins to the Renaissance (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
TA107Theatre History: Restoration to Contemporary (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
TA141Acting Fundamentals I3
TA142Acting Fundamentals II3
TA143Acting Fundamentals III3
TA148Movement for the Actor2

Please note that the AGS allows more courses to count toward Arts & Letters than other MHCC degrees. 

Social Science

One (1) course minimum:

General Social Science
SSC100Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship4
ANTH101Introduction to Biological Anthropology (Course offered online)4
ANTH102Introduction to Archaeology and World Prehistory (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
ANTH103Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Cultural Literacy course)4
ANTH140Language and Culture (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
COMM115Introduction to Intercultural Communication (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course) (if taken summer 2021 or later)4
EC115Introduction to Economics (Course offered online)3
EC201Principles of Economics I: Microeconomics (Course offered online)4
EC202Principles of Economics II: Macroeconomics (Course offered online)4
GEOG105Introduction to Physical Geography3
GEOG106Introduction to World Regional Geography (Cultural Literacy course)3
GEOG107Introduction to Cultural Geography (Cultural Literacy course)3
GEOG202The Geography of Europe (Cultural Literacy course)3
GEOG206Geography of Oregon (Cultural Literacy course)3
GEOG209Geography of the Middle East and North Africa (Cultural Literacy course)3
GEOG214Geography of Mexico and Central America (Cultural Literacy course)3
GEOG290Environmental Problems and Restoration3
HST101Western Civilization: Ancient and Classical Europe (Cultural Literacy course)4
HST102Western Civilization: Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Cultural Literacy course)4
HST103Western Civilization: Modern Europe (Cultural Literacy course)4
HST110Ancient World History (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
HST111Medieval World History (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
HST112Modern World History (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
HST195History of the Vietnam War (Cultural Literacy course)3
HST201U.S. History: Pre-Colonial-1840 (Course offered online)4
HST202U.S. History: 1840 - 1917 (Course offered online)4
HST203U.S. History: 1910 - Present (Course offered online)4
HST204Women in U.S. History (Cultural Literacy course)4
HST225Women in World History (Cultural Literacy course)4
HST237America in the 1960s3
HST264African-American History: 1500 - 1870s (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
HST265African-American History: 1870 - Present (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
International Studies
INTL101Introduction to International Studies (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
J211Introduction to Mass Communications3
Music History
MUS103Jazz History (if taken summer 2020 or later)3
MUS105History of Rock (if taken summer 2020 or later)3
MUS201Music in Cinema (Cultural Literacy course)3
MUS268Music History: Baroque to Romantic (Cultural Literacy course) (if taken summer 2020 or later)4
MUS279Popular Songwriting3
Political Science
PS200Introduction to Political Science (Course offered online)4
PS201American Government (Course offered online)4
PS203State and Local Governments4
PS204Introduction to Comparative Politics4
PS205International Relations (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)4
PS209Problems in American Politics4
PS215Global Issues4
PS217Introduction to Public Land Management: The Politics of Recreation3
PS225Political Ideology: Ideas About Government4
PS241Introduction to Political Terrorism (Course offered online)4
PSY101Psychology of Human Relations (Course offered online)3
PSY151Introduction to the Social Sciences3
PSY201ZIntroduction to Psychology I (Course offered online)4
PSY202ZIntroduction to Psychology II (Course offered online)4
PSY214Introduction to Personality (Cultural Literacy course)4
PSY216Social Psychology3
PSY231Human Sexuality3
PSY232Sexuality and Society (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
PSY237Human Development (Course offered online)4
PSY239Introduction to Abnormal Psychology (Course offered online)4
SOC204General Sociology: Principles of Sociology (Course offered online)3
SOC205General Sociology: Social Institutions (Course offered online)3
SOC206General Sociology: Social Problems (Course offered online)3
SOC213Race Relations in the United States (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
SOC215Gender and Society (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
SOC216Sociology of the Family (Course offered online)3
SOC223Sociology of Aging (Course offered online)3
Theatre History
TA106Theatre History: Origins to the Renaissance (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course) (if taken summer 2021 or later)3
TA107Theatre History: Restoration to Contemporary (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course) (if taken summer 2021 or later)3
Women's Studies
WS101Introduction to Women's Studies (Course offered online) (Cultural Literacy course)3
World Literature
ENG271World Literature: The Classical World (Ancient Literature to 1000 C.E.) (Cultural Literacy course) (if taken summer 2020 or later)4
ENG272World Literature: 1000 to 1800 C.E. (Cultural Literacy course) (if taken summer 2020 or later)4
ENG273World Literature: 1800 C.E. to the Present (Cultural Literacy course) (if taken summer 2020 or later)4

Please note that the AGS allows more courses to count toward Social Sciences than other MHCC degrees. 

Science / Mathematics / Computer Science

One (1) course minimum:

General Science
GS104Physical Science - Physics4
GS105Physical Science: Chemistry of the Environment 4
or GS105A Chemistry for the Consumer
or GS105B Chemistry of Food and Cooking
GS106Physical Science: Geology4
PH104Descriptive Astronomy4
PH109CObservational Astronomy3
PH121General Astronomy3
PH122General Astronomy3
PH123General Astronomy3
Biology / Anatomy
BI100Survey of Body Systems (Course offered online)4
BI101General Biology: Cellular Biology (Course offered online)4
BI102General Biology: Molecular Biology (Course offered online)4
BI103General Biology: Ecology and Evolution 14
BI112Biology for Health Professions5
BI132Introduction to Animal Behavior (Course offered online) (formerly BI103; cannot be repeated for credit) 14
BI133Northwest Forest Ecology (formerly BI103; cannot be repeated for credit) 14
BI121Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Course offered online)4
BI122Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Course offered online)4
BI211Principles of Biology I5
BI212Principles of Biology II5
BI213Principles of Biology III5
BI231Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Course offered online)4
BI232Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Course offered online)4
BI233Human Anatomy and Physiology III (Course offered online)4
CH104General Chemistry for Health Professions5
CH105Organic Chemistry for Health Professions5
CH106Biological Chemistry for Health Professions5
CH151Basic Chemistry4
CH221General Chemistry I5
CH222General Chemistry II5
CH223General Chemistry III5
CH241Organic Chemistry I5
CH242Organic Chemistry II5
CH243Organic Chemistry III5
Computer Science
BA231Introduction to Management Information Systems (Course offered online)4
CIS120Computer Concepts I (Course offered online)3
CIS120LComputer Concepts Lab I (Course offered online)1
CS160Computer Science Orientation (Course offered online)4
CS161Computer Science I4
CS162Computer Science II4
CS250Discrete Structures I4
CS251Discrete Structures II4
CS260Data Structures4
ENGR201Electrical Fundamentals I5
ENGR213Strength of Materials4
GE101Engineering Orientation4
GE102Engineering Computations3
GE115Engineering Graphics3
Fish, Wildlife, Natural Resources
F240Natural Resources Ecology4
FW252Mammals: Biology and Techniques4
FW253Field Ornithology4
G148BVolcanoes and Their Activity (contains a lab component; formerly G148, cannot be repeated for credit) 24
G148CVolcanoes and Their Activity (non-lab science; formerly G148, cannot be repeated for credit) 23
G165Regional Field Geology3
G201Principles of Physical Geology 14
G202Principles of Physical Geology 24
G203Principles of Historical Geology4
MTH105ZMath in Society4
MTH111ZPrecalculus I: Functions (Course offered online)4
MTH112ZPrecalculus II: Trigonometry4
MTH211Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics I4
MTH212Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics II4
MTH213Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics III4
MTH251Calculus I: Differential Calculus5
MTH252Calculus II: Integral Calculus5
MTH253Calculus III4
MTH254Calculus IV: Multivariable/Vector Calculus Part 15
MTH255Calculus V: Multivariable/Vector Calculus Part 24
MTH256Differential Equations5
MTH261Linear Algebra4
STAT243ZElementary Statistics I (Course offered online)4
STAT244Elementary Statistics II4
FN225Nutrition (Course offered online)4
PH201General Physics I5
PH202General Physics II5
PH203General Physics III5
PH211General Physics with Calculus I5
PH212General Physics with Calculus II5
PH213General Physics with Calculus III5

Please note that the AGS allows more courses to count toward Science/Math/Computer Science than other MHCC degrees. 

Students may receive credit toward credential completion for one of the GS105 course options.


BI103 used to be taught as BI103A, 103B, 103C, etc. BI103B became BI132; BI103D became BI133. Students may receive credit toward credential completion for only one of the following: BI103, BI103A, BI103B, BI103C, BI103D, BI132, or BI133.


Students may receive credit toward credential completion for one of the G148 options.

Health and Physical Education (HPE)

1 credits in Physical Education (PE) and/or in Health Education (HE/HPE): 

HE151Drug Education: Stimulants and Performance Enhancing Drugs3
HE152Drug Education: Opioids, Cannabis, Depressants and Hallucinogens3
HE202Adult Development and Aging1
HE204Nutrition for Health3
HE205Diet Appraisal (Course offered online)1
HE207Stress Control Through Activity Intervention1
HE208HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections1
HE209Sport and Exercise Nutrition1
HE225Nutrition (Course offered online) (or FN225, if taken summer 2021 or later)4
HE250Personal Health and Wellness (Course offered online)3
HE251Wilderness First Aid2
HE252First Aid: Responding to Emergencies3
HE255Alcohol and the Family3
HE261CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation1
HE262Basic Life Support (Course offered online)1
HE265Women's Health (Course offered online)3
HE289Wilderness First Responder4
HE289LWilderness First Responder Part- 22
HE289RWilderness First Responder - Recertification2
HPE110Teambuilding and Group Facilitation3
HPE120Introduction to Navigation1
HPE170Structure and Function of the Human Body3
HPE172Exercise Science3
HPE174Fitness Assessment and Programming3
HPE260Prevention and Care of Exercise-Related Injuries3
HPE270Introduction to Sport Psychology3
HPE285OLWilderness Survival3
HPE291Lifeguard Training2
HPE295Health and Fitness for Life (Course offered online)3
PE185__ PE185 activity course1

Three (3) credit hours of PE185 may be granted toward an Associate degree at MHCC for completion of military basic training. A copy of the DD214 form or a Joint Services Transcript is required.


Complete electives to reach a total of 90 degree credits. Elective courses for the AGS may be any course numbered 100 or above. No more than 30 credits of one discipline may apply as elective. A maximum of 8 credits of PE185, 25 credit hours of IECC courses numbered 100 or higher, and 12 credits of Cooperative Education Internship may be applied to the AGS degree as elective credit.

To be awarded an AGS degree, students must:

  • Complete all requirements to total 90 applicable degree credits.
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 or higher in: the cumulative MHCC grade point average, and all courses being applied toward the degree.
  • Satisfactorily earn 12 credit hours at MHCC. Non-traditional credit (College Level Examination Program, Experience-Based Credit, Challenge, etc.) does not satisfy this requirement.

Please note: Courses may not be repeated for credit unless specified in the course description. Refer to the Course Numbering System and Developmental Education list for courses that are not applicable toward an MHCC degree or certificate.

To check your official progress toward graduation, log on to MyMHCC and click “View My Degree Audit.”

Online option regularly offered

Cultural Literacy course