Degree and Certificate Requirements
MHCC Credentials (degrees and certificates) may be awarded upon completion of both institutional and credential-specific requirements.
Always check your official degree audit to see how courses are counting toward your chosen degree's requirements.

MHCC currently offers the following associate degrees:
- Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
- Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT)
- Associate of Arts Transfer (AAT) in English Literature
- Associate of General Studies (AGS)
- Associate of Science (AS)
- ASB: PharmD Track (Pharmacy Bridge Program with Pacific University)
- AS in Engineering (ASEN)
- AS in Liberal Arts (ASLA)
- Associate of Science Transfer (AST) in Biology
- Associate of Science Transfer (AST) in Business
- Associate of Science Transfer (AST) in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Associate degrees will be awarded to students who:
- Complete a minimum of 90 credit hours according to a planned curriculum.
- Complete all required courses in a career-technical, general studies or transfer degree, including the general education requirements as listed in the catalog.
- Achieve and maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average (GPA) in:
- the cumulative MHCC GPA;
- all courses being applied toward the degree;
- and classes in the student’s major (e.g., course prefixes such as DH, FSE, NRS, etc.)
- Satisfactorily earn 12 credit hours at MHCC. Non-traditional credit (College Level Examination Program, Credit for Prior Learning, Course Challenge, etc.) does not satisfy this requirement.
- Complete the graduation application two terms prior to the completion term (i.e., spring term graduates must apply during fall term).
Note: specific programs may have higher GPA requirements.
Please note: A successfully completed course cannot "double-dip" or fulfill more than one degree requirement, except in the case of Cultural Literacy.
For example:
- MUS268 will fulfill the Cultural Literacy requirement, and count toward either Arts & Letters or Social Science.
- COMM115 will fulfill the Cultural Literacy requirement, and count toward either Oral Communication or Arts & Letters.
Certificates typically range from 12 – 60 credits (but may contain more) and may be a standalone program or part of an AAS program. All courses in a Career Pathway Certificate of Completion (12 – 44 credits) count toward the completion of the related Associate of Applied Science degree. Repeated courses may be counted only once toward graduation unless specified in the course description or unless specifically required in the course description.
Certificates will be awarded to students who:
- Pass all required courses in a certificate program as listed in the catalog.
- Achieve and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 or higher in:
- the cumulative MHCC grade point average;
- all courses being applied toward the certificate;
- and classes in the student's major.
- Satisfactorily earn a minimum of 12 college-level credit hours at MHCC. Non-traditional credit (College Level Examination Program, Experience-Based Credit, Challenge, etc.) does not satisfy this requirement.
- Complete the graduation application two terms prior to the completion term (i.e., spring term graduates must apply during fall term).
Certificates that contain 45 or more credits and are 3 or more terms in length must include two of the four general education components required for AAS degrees.
Additional Credentials
MHCC also offers opportunities for students to:
- Complete a GED® in English or Spanish
- Take college courses while in high school through Early College, Middle College and/or College Now dual credit
- Prepare for the United States Citizenship Test
- Complete a Journey-Level Card and AAS degree in Apprenticeship programs
Common Course Numbering
Starting in 2023, the Oregon Legislature began the process of establishing common course numbers in all community colleges and public universities for the top transferred courses. This process involves adding a "Z" to the end of the course number once it has gone through the statewide approval process. There will be additional courses added each year for a number of years to come. The course content is the same and students do not need to retake courses that now have new numbers. For example, if a student took and passed WR121 in a prior year, they do not need to take WR121Z.