Physical Education / Exercise and Sport Science - transfer major

Faculty Advisers
Matt Hart: 503-491-7455 | Room PE161 | | Students with last name A-E
Petra LeBaron Botts: 503-491-7355 | Room PE155 | | Students with last name F-J
Dawn Markell: 503-491-6984 | PE158 | | Students with last name K-O
Amanda Shelton: 503-491-7350 | Room PE157 | | Students with last name P-T
Josh Stratman: 503-491-7201 | Room PE160 | | Students with last name U-Z
This major helps students gain the skills, knowledge and attitudes to build and maintain healthy, active lives. Students may transfer to a four year college to pursue majors in the health, exercise, and sport science fields. Be sure to work with your transfer college and an MHCC adviser to plan classes needed.
Curricular Outcomes
At the completion of this curriculum, students should be able to:
- Identify and/or demonstrate behaviors and/or concepts that promote optimal health and prevent disease
- Identify societal factors (family, peers, culture, media, technology, etc.) that can influence personal health and wellness
- Demonstrate goal-setting techniques to enhance physical / skill performance
- Demonstrate goal-setting techniques to enhance one or more dimension(s) of wellness
- Demonstrate a proficiency in a physical/skill performance
- Apply leadership techniques
Students interested in pursuing the Physical Education / Exercise and Sport Science major can complete the following courses toward the Health and Physical Education (HPE) requirement and/or electives on the AGS (recommended), AAOT, ASOT-B, AS or ASLA degrees. Students should work with a university transfer adviser to choose the correct courses.
Recommended core courses
Code | Title | Credits |
PE131 | Introduction to Exercise and Sports Science | 3 |
HE209 | Sport and Exercise Nutrition | 1 |
HE252 | First Aid: Responding to Emergencies | 3 |
HPE170 | Structure and Function of the Human Body | 3 |
HPE172 | Exercise Science | 3 |
HPE174 | Fitness Assessment and Programming | 3 |
HPE260 | Prevention and Care of Exercise-Related Injuries | 3 |
HPE270 | Introduction to Sport Psychology | 3 |
HPE295 | Health and Fitness for Life (Course offered online) | 3 |
Recommended electives
Code | Title | Credits |
HE151 | Drug Education: Stimulants and Performance Enhancing Drugs | 3 |
HE152 | Drug Education: Opioids, Cannabis, Depressants and Hallucinogens | 3 |
HE202 | Adult Development and Aging | 1 |
HE204 | Nutrition for Health | 3 |
HE205 | Diet Appraisal (Course offered online) | 1 |
HE207 | Stress Control Through Activity Intervention | 1 |
HE208 | HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections | 1 |
HE250 | Personal Health and Wellness (Course offered online) | 3 |
HE255 | Alcohol and the Family | 3 |
HE261 | CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | 1 |
HE265 | Women's Health (Course offered online) | 3 |
Recommended science courses
Code | Title | Credits |
BI231 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Course offered online) | 4 |
BI232 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Course offered online) | 4 |
BI233 | Human Anatomy and Physiology III (Course offered online) | 4 |
CH151 | Basic Chemistry | 4 |
CH221 | General Chemistry I | 5 |
CH222 | General Chemistry II | 5 |
CH223 | General Chemistry III | 5 |
Transfer Schools
The following examples show how a student can complete an AGS degree while also taking lower-division health and physical education courses. Students should work with their MHCC adviser, and their preferred transfer college, to pick the right classes. Not all courses are offered every term. Click on a course number to see what term(s) the course is typically offered. While students are welcome to start classes at MHCC in any term, many plans in the catalog are meant to start in fall term unless otherwise noted.
- Full time = 12 or more credits per term; takes 6 to 7 terms to complete.
- 3/4 time = 9 to 11 credits per term; takes about 8 to 10 terms to complete.
- Part time = 6 to 8 credits per term; takes about 11 to 13 terms to complete.
Sample Plan of Study (full time)
First Quarter | ||
Fall | Credits | |
BI231 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Course offered online) | 4 |
MTH111Z | Precalculus I: Functions (Course offered online) | 4 |
PE131 | Introduction to Exercise and Sports Science | 3 |
WR121Z | Composition I (Course offered online) | 4 |
Credits | 15 | |
Second Quarter | ||
Winter | ||
HPE270 | Introduction to Sport Psychology | 3 |
MTH112Z | Precalculus II: Trigonometry | 4 |
BI232 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Course offered online) | 4 |
WR122Z or WR227Z |
Composition II (Course offered online) or Technical Writing (Course offered online) |
4 |
Credits | 15 | |
Third Quarter | ||
Spring | ||
HPE295 | Health and Fitness for Life (Course offered online) | 3 |
BI233 | Human Anatomy and Physiology III (Course offered online) | 4 |
FN225 | Nutrition (Course offered online) | 4 |
Oral Communication | COMM111Z recommended | 3-4 |
Credits | 14-15 | |
Fourth Quarter | ||
Summer | ||
HE252 | First Aid: Responding to Emergencies | 3 |
CH151 | Basic Chemistry | 4 |
MO111 | Medical Terminology (Course offered online) | 4 |
STAT243Z | Elementary Statistics I (Course offered online) | 4 |
Credits | 15 | |
Fifth Quarter | ||
Fall | ||
HPE170 | Structure and Function of the Human Body | 3 |
CH221 | General Chemistry I | 5 |
Arts & Letters | 4 | |
Credits | 12 | |
Sixth Quarter | ||
Winter | ||
HPE172 | Exercise Science | 3 |
CH222 | General Chemistry II | 5 |
HPE260 | Prevention and Care of Exercise-Related Injuries | 3 |
Health/PE Elective | 1 | |
Credits | 12 | |
Seventh Quarter | ||
Spring | ||
HPE174 | Fitness Assessment and Programming | 3 |
CH223 | General Chemistry III | 5 |
Social Science | 4 | |
Credits | 12 | |
Total Credits | 95-96 |
Sample Plan of Study (part time)
First Quarter | ||
Fall | Credits | |
PE131 | Introduction to Exercise and Sports Science | 3 |
MTH111Z | Precalculus I: Functions (Course offered online) | 4 |
Credits | 7 | |
Second Quarter | ||
Winter | ||
HPE270 | Introduction to Sport Psychology | 3 |
MTH112Z | Precalculus II: Trigonometry | 4 |
Credits | 7 | |
Third Quarter | ||
Spring | ||
HPE295 | Health and Fitness for Life (Course offered online) | 3 |
FN225 | Nutrition (Course offered online) | 4 |
Credits | 7 | |
Fourth Quarter | ||
Summer | ||
HE252 | First Aid: Responding to Emergencies | 3 |
STAT243Z | Elementary Statistics I (Course offered online) | 4 |
Credits | 7 | |
Fifth Quarter | ||
Fall | ||
BI231 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Course offered online) | 4 |
WR121Z | Composition I (Course offered online) | 4 |
Credits | 8 | |
Sixth Quarter | ||
Winter | ||
BI232 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Course offered online) | 4 |
WR122Z or WR227Z |
Composition II (Course offered online) or Technical Writing (Course offered online) |
4 |
Credits | 8 | |
Seventh Quarter | ||
Spring | ||
BI233 | Human Anatomy and Physiology III (Course offered online) | 4 |
Oral Communication | COMM111Z recommended | 3-4 |
Credits | 7-8 | |
Eighth Quarter | ||
Summer | ||
CH151 | Basic Chemistry | 4 |
Social Science | 3-4 | |
Credits | 7-8 | |
Ninth Quarter | ||
Fall | ||
CH221 | General Chemistry I | 5 |
HPE170 | Structure and Function of the Human Body | 3 |
Credits | 8 | |
Tenth Quarter | ||
Winter | ||
CH222 | General Chemistry II | 5 |
HPE172 or HPE260 |
Exercise Science or Prevention and Care of Exercise-Related Injuries |
3 |
Credits | 8 | |
Eleventh Quarter | ||
Spring | ||
CH223 | General Chemistry III | 5 |
HPE174 | Fitness Assessment and Programming | 3 |
Credits | 8 | |
Twelfth Quarter | ||
Summer | ||
MO111 | Medical Terminology (Course offered online) | 4 |
Arts & Letters | 4 | |
Credits | 8 | |
Total Credits | 90-92 |
HE151 Drug Education: Stimulants and Performance Enhancing Drugs
Credits 3Fall
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
Drug Education examines how drug use affects individuals, communities and the nation. This course looks at why people use drugs as well as the physiological and psychological effects from using psychoactive substances. This course provides an overview of drug classifications while emphasizing psycho-therapeutic drugs, performance enhancing drugs and stimulants. Current drug use trends, theories of addiction, and methods of treatment are discussed.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Define addiction and identify resources that can be used to address various patterns of drug use
- Describe how performance enhancing drugs and stimulants affect human physiology
- Identify how various factors (family, peers, culture, media, etc.) can affect drug use
- List the classifications of drugs and identify specific drugs from each classification
HE152 Drug Education: Opioids, Cannabis, Depressants and Hallucinogens
Credits 3Summer/Winter
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
Drug Education examines how drug use affects individuals, communities and the nation. This course looks at why people use drugs as well as the physiological and psychological effects from using psychoactive substances. This course provides an overview of drug classifications while emphasizing opioids, hallucinogens, marijuana and depressants. Current drug use trends, theories of addiction, and methods of treatment are discussed.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Define addiction and identify various methods used to treat addiction
- Describe how opioids, hallucinogens, marijuana and depressants affect the physiology
- Identify how various factors (family, peers, culture, media, etc.) can affect drug use
- List the classifications of drugs and identify specific drugs from each classification
HE202 Adult Development and Aging
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
This course explores common biological, psychological, and sociological effects associated with the natural human aging process. Age-related conditions and diseases will be presented along with evidence-based strategies to increase health and wellness throughout adulthood. Additional topics include the provision of dependent care; diet and nutrition; economics and retirement; exercise and activity; adult community resources; related public policy issues; and more.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Identify common age-related conditions and diseases
- Recognize strategies to improve health and wellness throughout adulthood
- Develop a goal to improve health and wellness
- Discuss biological, psychological, and sociological changes throughout adulthood
- Locate age-related community resources
HE204 Nutrition for Health
Credits 3Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
This course explores nutrition and dietary behavior patterns that contribute to long-term health, wellness, and disease risk. Current nutritional guidelines and recommendations are discussed to build a foundation of knowledge for evaluating nutritional habits, discussing controversies in nutrition, and nutrition to support physical activity.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Identify current nutritional guidelines and recommendations based on individual need
- Describe the characteristics and functions of essential nutrients
- Identify the components of the digestive system and describe their role in digestion and absorption of nutrients
- Develop an individualized goal to enhance health and/or wellness
- Describe the impact of dietary behaviors for optimizing health and wellness
- Interpret and evaluate information related to nutrition and diet
- Explore current and historical dietary consumption patterns
HE205 Diet Appraisal (Course offered online)
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
This course takes an in-depth look at the American diet. Students have the opportunity to analyze individual dietary habits and determine where nutritional improvements can be made. Consumer information, reliable sources of nutrition information and specialized diets (low-fat, low-salt and low-sugar) will also be explored.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- demonstrate ability to set specific dietary goals for improved health
- evaluate current eating habits and identify areas for improvement
- identify essential nutrients and discuss impact on personal health
- locate and discuss reliable sources of nutrition information
HE207 Stress Control Through Activity Intervention
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: None.
This course is designed to help students identify the scope of their stress as it relates to individual factors. Through self-reflection, application of deep and mini relaxation techniques, and identifying coping strategies the student determines personal strategies and techniques to minimize the effects of stressors.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Identify and implement various techniques for stress management.
- Explain the role that positive stress management practices have on health and wellness.
- Discuss and identify the negative effects of stress.
HE208 HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections
Credit 1Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: None.
HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's) is a course designed to examine the biological, social and personal implications of HIV disease as well as other STI's on one's behavior, lifestyle choices and the community at large. The student explores risk factors, how to reduce the spread of infection and evaluate their own values as they relate to AIDS and STI's.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- demonstrate the ability to set measurable goals for improved health or reduced risk of disease
- discuss similarities and differences between STI's based on origin, transmission methods, symptoms, and treatments
- identify behaviors that increase risk of disease transmission
- discuss social and cultural biases that impact risk for, treatment of, and living with various STI's
HE209 Sport and Exercise Nutrition
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: Recommended requisite: HE204 or HE205. RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
This course explores nutrition as it relates to the demands of exercise and competitive sports. Topics covered include the interrelationship between nutrition and exercise, nutrition to optimize performance and recovery, fluid and hydration needs, timing of consumption, and the role of nutrition in injury prevention and post-injury care.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate ability to set effective dietary goals for improved training benefits/performance
- Evaluate current diet and identify strengths and areas for improvement
- Identify essential nutrients and discuss impact on body functions essential to training
- Locate and discuss reliable sources of nutrition information
HE225 Nutrition (Course offered online)
Credits 4Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W, each with a grade of "C" or better. Co-requisite: MTH058 or MTH065, or higher placement level. Recommended requisites: BI102A, BI112, or BI212, and CH104 and WR121.
This course is an introduction to the science of nutrition. The biological functions and dietary sources of essential nutrients and non-nutrients are studied, as well as the relationship of diet to health. Contemporary national and international nutritional concerns are presented. The student is required to complete a computer-assisted, three-day diet survey and written evaluation. Students cannot earn credit for both HE225 and FN225.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education; Non-Lab Science
View Course Outcomes:
- Analyze and evaluate a personal 3-day diet survey.
- Analyze the "Nutrition Facts" panel of the food label and calculate nutrient content.
- Discuss the nutrition recommendations for reducing the risk of major diseases where diet is a significant risk factor.
- Discuss the role of non-nutrients in foods for the maintenance of health.
- Identify the major nutrients of concern during the lifecycle to include pregnancy, infancy, adolescents, and older adult.
- List and describe the major essential nutrients.
- List and discuss the dietary recommendations for food and nutrient intakes.
HE250 Personal Health and Wellness (Course offered online)
Credits 3Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 or IECC201R with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course level. The student should have some experience with computers and the internet.
This course provides information on a variety of issues that affect an individual's health and wellness. Lifestyle and behavioral strategies to manage personal health and wellness will be explored. Topics to be discussed include sexual health, alcohol and drug use, cultural influences, human development and aging, environmental health, stress management, exercise, nutrition, chronic and communicable disease prevention, and more.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Discuss various topics (sexual health, stress management, exercise, nutrition, drug use, chronic and communicable disease prevention, human development and aging, environmental health, cultural practices, etc.) that affect personal health
- Identify ways to improve health and wellness
- Reflect on personal lifestyle choices and explain the impact those choices have on longevity and the quality of life
- Demonstrate the ability to develop a goal to improve a dimension of wellness
HE251 Wilderness First Aid
Credits 2Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: Recommended Requisite: RD090 or IECC201R.
This class will introduce students to the concepts of medical care in a wilderness setting. The class focuses on basic life support skills, wound management, and environmental problems such as hypothermia and heat exhaustion. The class will also cover allergic reactions, improvised splinting and spine management. Upon successful completion of the course, student may be certified in Wilderness First Aid and CPR.
Additional Course Fee: $62.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Analyze patient symptoms to determine best course of action/treatment
- Demonstrate wound management and improvised splinting techniques.
- Identify life-threatening injuries and apply appropriate evacuation plan.
- Perform basic life support skills in an outdoor environment.
HE252 First Aid: Responding to Emergencies
Credits 3Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 or IECC201R with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course level.
This course provides Citizen Responder training, according to American Red Cross standards, in respiratory and cardiac emergencies for adults, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to help sustain life, reduce pain and minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until professional medical services arrive. Course content and activities prepare the student to recognize emergencies and make appropriate decisions for first aid care. Successful completion may lead to the American Red Cross Responding to Emergencies Adult CPR/AED certification.
Additional Course Fee: $30.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Identify major body cavities, body systems and anatomical terms commonly used to refer to the body.
- Demonstrate how to check a responsive and unresponsive person for life-threatening and non-life-threatening conditions.
- Identify and/or demonstrate appropriate care for various life-threatening illnesses and injuries.
- Recognize the signs of a cardiac emergency and demonstrate appropriate care.
- Recognize life-threatening bleeding and demonstrate how to control it.
- Demonstrate appropriate care for non-life-threatening injuries.
HE255 Alcohol and the Family
Credits 3Spring
Registration Requirement: None.
This course provides an overview of the psychological and physiological effects associated with alcohol use, misuse, and dependency. This course also discusses addiction and the effects it has on individuals, families, and society.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Define addiction and identify resources that can be used to address various patterns of drug use
- Describe how drugs and alcohol can affect humans physiologically, psychologically, and sociologically
- Identify factors (family, peers, culture, media, etc.) that can affect drug use
- List the classifications of drugs and identify specific drugs from each classification
HE261 CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 or IECC201R with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course level.
This course provides Citizen Responder training, according to American Red Cross standards, in respiratory and cardiac emergencies for adults, children and infants. Students are presented with techniques to overcome reluctance to act in emergency situations and to recognize and care for life threatening respiratory and cardiac emergencies. Successful completion may lead to the American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED certification.
Additional Course Fee: $35.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate how to check a patient who is either responsive or unresponsive.
- Demonstrate appropriate care for a patient with a life-threatening emergency.
- Apply ethical standards of patient care.
- Demonstrate correct skill sequencing during patient care.
- Assess a patient's condition and change care appropriately when the condition changes.
HE262 Basic Life Support (Course offered online)
Credit 1Summer/Fall
Registration Requirement: RD090 or IECC201R with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course level
This American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) course trains participants to promptly recognize several life- threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an AED. The AHA's BLS Course is designed for healthcare providers caring for patients both in pre-hospital and in-facility environments. Successful completion may lead to the American Heart Association Basic Life Support certification.
Additional Course Fee: $12.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Perform and demonstrate the following skills for an adult: checking the unconscious person, CPR, barrier device ventilations, and AED, according to American Heart Association standards.
- Perform and demonstrate proper skill sequencing and techniques according to American Heart Association standards. \\n
- Describe the importance of effective multi-rescuer resuscitation and demonstrate effective resuscitation as part of a multi-rescuer team.
HE265 Women's Health (Course offered online)
Credits 3Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
This course, open to all students interested in these topics, explores the dimensions of wellness specific to women's health with special attention to physical, social, emotional and environmental factors. Lessons will look at how various factors influence access to health care as well as choices women have in their own self-care. Female anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, childbirth, female anatomical dysfunction, female cancers, stress management and the aging process are also discussed. Students are exposed to a variety of female health topics and then asked to think critically about their own health history and lifestyle choices.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- apply information from historical events and current issues on women's health choices
- evaluate cultural, environmental, and social factors that impact a women's health and well being
- identify factors that affect health and wellness based on lifestyle behaviors and family history
- discuss health care disparities and choices and recognize opportunities for self-advocacy
- identify anatomical structures and describe healthy physiological processes unique to the female body as well as identify signs of potential dysfunction
- identify diagnostic testing options available to women, when they should be utilized and how to access through community resources
- identify and analyze evidence-based interventions focused on skills and strategies for health promotion and disease prevention
- demonstrate goal setting techniques based on health history and modifiable lifestyle choices
HE289 Wilderness First Responder
Credits 4Winter
Registration Requirement: RD090 or IECC201R with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course level.
This course teaches how to respond to medical emergencies in a remote wilderness setting and is designed specifically to provide the tools to make critical medical and evacuation decisions in remote locations. The focus is on identifying symptoms and providing treatments given minimal first aid resources. Topics include wound management and infection, realigning fractures and dislocations, spine-injury management, improvised splinting techniques, long term patient management, environmental emergencies, and advice on drug therapies. Evacuation techniques are also covered. Emphasis is placed on prevention and decision making. Nationally recognized certification and Adult CPR/AED is included.
Additional Course Fee: $433.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Analyze patient symptoms to determine best course of action/treatment
- Demonstrate medical care in a remote wilderness setting
- Demonstrate techniques to evacuate a patient from a remote wilderness location
- Demonstrate wound management, realigning fractures and dislocations and improvised splinting
- Describe methods of patient monitoring and long-term care in the backcountry
- Improvise and problem solve during medical emergencies
HE289L Wilderness First Responder Part- 2
Credits 2Winter
Registration Requirement: HE289 or instructor permission. Recommended requisite: RD090 or IECC201R.
This course teaches you how to respond to medical emergencies in the backcountry and is designed specifically to provide the tools to make critical medical and evacuation decisions in remote locations. This course compliments HE289 and is only for students needing hands-on training. Topics include wound management, dislocations, spine-injury management, litter packaging and carries, improvised splinting techniques, patient monitoring and long-term patient management, environmental emergencies, anaphylaxis treatment, and evacuation techniques. Emphasis is placed on prevention and decision-making. Nationally recognized certification and Adult CPR/AED is included.
Additional Course Fee: $153.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate techniques for a wilderness evacuation
- Analyze patient symptoms to determine best course of action/treatment
- Demonstrate medical care in a backcountry setting
- Assess and manage musculoskeletal injuries, dislocations and soft tissue injuries in a remote wilderness setting
- Manage spine-injured patients in a wilderness setting
HE289R Wilderness First Responder - Recertification
Credits 2Spring
Registration Requirement: HE289 or HE289L or Instructor Permission.
This course recertifies the Wilderness First Responder certification. This course will focus on assessing and treating traumatic injuries as well as environmental emergencies. Topics include spine management, litter packaging, improvised splinting, wound management, and hypothermia packaging. Course includes certification in Adult and Child CPR/AED and Anaphylaxis treatment.
Additional Course Fee: $140.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Analyze patient symptoms to determine best course of action/treatment.
- Complete SOAP Notes and maintain accurate records.
- Demonstrate wound management, realigning fractures and dislocations, and improvised splinting.
- Assess spine-injured patient and utilize appropriate evacuation method.
HPE110 Teambuilding and Group Facilitation
Credits 3Fall
This course introduces students to teambuilding activities, group facilitation, and processing. Students learn how to lead activities that develop teamwork, communication, leadership, and trust. Topics covered include conflict-resolution, decision making, group development, leadership, and followership. Students learn facilitation techniques, problem-solving initiatives, teambuilding initiatives, ice breakers, games, and processing techniques.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education; Human Relations
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate how to effectively facilitate an entire teambuilding program
- Implement various methods of processing, initiatives, and games to help participants identify behaviors, bias, and social issues
- Interview a group and create a sequence of initiatives to meet group's needs such as teamwork, communication, etc.
- Lead physically and emotionally safe teambuilding initiatives
- Develop and facilitate activities that address conflict resolution, decision making, leadership, communication, and teamwork issues
HPE120 Introduction to Navigation
Credit 1Fall
This course introduces students to wilderness navigation. Students learn wilderness navigation concepts including map and field bearings, declination, triangulation, contour line interpretation, GPS receiver use, map types, scales and coordinate systems.
Additional Course Fee: $23.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Determine location using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates as well as latitude/longitude coordinates
- Discuss the basic components of a topographic map including map symbols, contour lines, latitude and longitude, map scales, declination, coordinate systems
- Identify land forms, landmarks and other land features by reading map contour lines
- Identify the components of a compass, how to use a compass to take map bearings and how to apply map bearings to the field
- Navigate to control points using a map and compass
HPE170 Structure and Function of the Human Body
Credits 3Fall
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course levels.
This course is the first in a series of courses that introduces exercises science to students who are interested in pursuing a career in the fitness industry. This course will introduce the anatomy and physiology of components involved in the human movement system including the nervous, skeletal, muscular, endocrine, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. The processes of how the body produces and utilizes energy for exercise will also be introduced.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Describe metabolism, energetics and the primary ways the body produces and utilizes energy for exercise
- Discuss how the body establishes fluid, Electrolyte, and acid-base balance
- Explain how the various systems of the human body function and work together.
- Identify the basic structures and functions of the various systems involved in the human movement system (nervous, skeletal, muscular, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory)
HPE172 Exercise Science
Credits 3Winter
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels. HPE170 is recommended.
This course is the second in a series of courses that introduces exercises science to students who are interested in pursuing a career in the fitness industry. This course will introduce the mechanical laws and forces that affect movement as well as the effects exercise has on the human physiology will be emphasized. Common training concepts and how exercise impacts health and fitness will also be presented.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Describe the concept of functional multi-planar biomechanics and identify basic biomechanical terminology
- Describe the primary methods of how the body produces and utilizes energy for exercise
- Explain how exercise affects the human physiological systems involved in movement
- Explain the laws of motion as well as the internal and external forces that affect movement
- Identify and describe common training concepts
HPE174 Fitness Assessment and Programming
Credits 3Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels. HPE170 and HPE172 are recommended.
This course is the third in a series of courses that introduces exercises science to students who are interested in pursuing a career in the fitness industry. This course will introduce methods of assessing the health and fitness status of individuals. An emphasis will be placed on assessing the exercise readiness of individuals and designing exercise programs that are safe, efficient, goal oriented and addresses the needs of the individuals.
Additional Course Fee: $549.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Describe methods used to assess the health and fitness status of an individual
- Design an exercise program that will address the needs and goals of an individual
- Explain the safe and effective use of various exercise training methods
- Identify various lifestyle and behavioral factors that influence the health and fitness status of an individual and explain ways to promote change
- Recognize how acute and chronic responses to exercise vary in individuals with various health conditions or physical/functional limitations
HPE260 Prevention and Care of Exercise-Related Injuries
Credits 3Winter
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W, each with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated levels. Co-requisite: MTH058 or MTH065, or placement above stated levels. Recommended requisites: HPE170 and HE252.
This course is designed for future health and fitness professionals, coaches, or individuals involved in sport as an introduction to support the safety and well-being of participants. Throughout this course students will gain a basic understanding of human anatomy, learn how to recognize signs and symptoms of medical emergencies, develop and implement an appropriate emergency action plan, utilize strategies to recognize and reduce risk for injury or illness, and identify basic sport injuries. This course consists of lecture classes with an emphasis on hands-on application of skills.
Additional Course Fee: $12.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Identify professional roles within the field of sports medicine.
- Define common terminology related to sports medicine.
- Develop an emergency action plan.
- Demonstrate understanding of basic human anatomy.
- Analyze common movement patterns.
- Identify and describe various internal and external risk factors for injury.
- Identify major injury and illness presentations and outcomes.
- Demonstrate understanding of basic injury prevention tactics and how they relate to various injury types.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic injury assessment techniques.
- Identify and describe uses for modalities and treatment techniques.
HPE270 Introduction to Sport Psychology
Credits 3Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels.
This is an introductory course into the psychological principles of sport and exercise. Throughout this course students will explore different strategies for enhancing confidence, concentration, and motivation; discuss team development and leadership styles; and identify factors that influence motor skill development.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Develop and evaluate an effective goal to enhance skill development and/or performance
- Examine the different types of motivation an individual may have regarding development in sport and exercise
- Recognize different learning styles and their role in motor skill development
- Identify strategies for improving awareness, concentration, and focus
- Differentiate emotional, behavioral, and cognitive responses to exercise, stress, and performance
- Identify characteristics of various coaching styles to promote individual and team development
- Characterize effective imagery and visualization techniques
HPE285OL Wilderness Survival
Credits 3Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels. Students must be capable of participating in the field outing associated with the class. Students with disabilities are responsible for requesting accommodations and must do so a minimum of two weeks before the beginning of the term.
This course provides the information and skills necessary for safe, low-impact, outdoor travel. Topics include environmental hazards, land navigation, survival skills, introduction to search and rescue, introduction to wilderness emergency care, low-impact camping and environmental issues. This course includes information on Wilderness First Aid and Adult CPR and is recommended for all students interested in recreating outside.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the Leave No Trace principles
- Demonstrate CPR and AED techniques for adults
- Demonstrate first aid skills and alternative wilderness first aid techniques
- Demonstrate key outdoor life skills including, emergency shelters, clothing/equipment selection, and emergency fire construction
- Identify land features on a map and take a compass bearing
HPE291 Lifeguard Training
Credits 2Fall/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 or IECC201R, with a grade of "C" or better; or placement above stated course level. On the first day of class, all participants must successfully complete the following: 1) 300 yd. continuous swim demonstrating rhythmic breathing, 2) 2 minute tread-water using only legs, 3) a timed event (within 1 min, 40 sec) including a 20 yd swim, dive 7-10 ft., retrieve 10# object, swim 20 yd on back using both hands to hold the object and swim with face above water.
This is an American Red Cross/college course that will teach students to recognize an emergency, respond appropriately, and prevent injury in an aquatic environment. Effective pool supervision, education and enforcement of rules, and various rescue techniques will be covered. Successful completion of this course may include the American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification, CPR/AED Certification and First Aid Certification.
Additional Course Fee: $50.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
HPE295 Health and Fitness for Life (Course offered online)
Credits 3Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: RD090 and WR090, or IECC201R and IECC201W; and MTH020; each with a grade of "C" or better, or placement above stated course levels. This is a 3-credit class which includes 2 hours of lecture/wk and the face-to-face student is expected to participate in 1500 minutes of ACT Lab workouts during the term.
Health and Fitness for Life explores how wellness, physical fitness, stress, nutrition and cardiovascular health affect an individual's health and well-being. This course includes an exercise component that requires students to actively engage in exercise within a designated workout facility.
Additional Course Fee: $25.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Create an individualized goal related to health, wellness, and/or performance
- Differentiate the health-related components of fitness
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Identify the role of nutrition and exercise in body composition modification or maintenance
- Describe lifestyle behavior patterns and their influence on health, wellness, and chronic disease risk
- Identify the role of essential macronutrients in the body
- Describe the effects of stress on long term health and identify various stress management techniques.
PE131 Introduction to Exercise and Sports Science
Credits 3Fall
Registration Requirement: None.
Introduction to exercise and sports science is targeted to students interested in pursuing a career exercise science, sports science, teaching physical education, and/or an exercise related field. Students are introduced to topics that include current state qualifications and standards, a historical background of exercise and physical education, career opportunities, and understanding verifiable research in exercise science.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Discuss various academic and professional disciplines related to physical education, exercise science, sports science, and the fitness industry
- Develop an individual academic plan to progress towards a career in exercise and sports science and/or the fitness industry
- Explain key advancements and current trends in exercise and sports science, physical education, fitness, and participation in exercise
- Recognize professional organizations and affiliations for exercise science, sports science, physical education, and fitness professions
- Demonstrate the ability to construct an academic and/or professional goal
- Discuss various factors creating disparities in the participation of activities that affect health and fitness.
PE185AK Cardio Kickboxing/Muscle Blast
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Cardio Kickboxing/Muscle Blast combines elements of boxing, martial arts and strength training. Students are guided through an exercise routine that utilizes intervals of moderate to high levels of intensity coupled with periods of active recovery. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine.
- Create an individual goal and explain relevance to personal life.
- Evaluate resting, exercise and recovery heart rate and demonstrate application to an exercise routine.
- Demonstrate a variety of kickboxing techniques including kicks, punches, and blocks.
PE185AS Step and Sculpt
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Step and Sculpt utilizes an individual adjustable platform, or "step", where students are guided through a choreographed exercise routine. This course also includes strength training exercises and intervals of moderate to high levels of intensity with periods of active recovery. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Demonstrate the ability to construct a SMART goal
- Demonstrate comprehension of cardiovascular fitness, muscle toning, coordination, balance, rhythmic awareness and flexibility applied to step conditioning
- Complete and build upon a 32-count step sequence
- Demonstrate correct use of platform and safe stepping technique
- Demonstrate strength training techniques for specific muscle groups
PE185BK Intro to Backpacking
Credit 1Fall
This course provides an exciting introduction to backpacking. We will look at choosing appropriate clothing for backpacking. We will also look at equipment needed for a backpacking trip and the proper use, storage and basic repair of that equipment. Students will get an exposure to map and compass use, trip planning and preparation process, and risk management. Emphasis is placed on safety, low-impact hiking and camping techniques following the principles of Leave No Trace and environmental awareness. Students must participate in field outings. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $117.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques associated with mode of travel and environment
- Demonstrate proper usage of backpacking equipment.
- Develop a trip plan specific to backpacking
- Identify equipment and clothing needed to safely participate in extended backcountry trips
PE185CE Cardio/Lower Body and Abs
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course guides students through intervals of moderate to high levels of intensity coupled with periods of active recovery. Students also participate in lower body and abdominal strength training and exercises. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Develop an effective, individualized goal and identify potential barriers to progress
- Evaluate resting, exercise and recovery heart rate and demonstrate application to an exercise routine
- Demonstrate performance of core strengthening exercises
- Demonstrate performance of lower body strengthening exercises
- Implement cardiorespiratory fitness principles into an exercise routine
PE185CG Spinning and Abs
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Spinning is a workout program that utilizes a stationary bicycle in various ways to pursue exercise-related goals. Students are guided through periods of aerobic and anaerobic intervals that include steady-state, up-tempo cadences, sprinting, climbing hills, coasting, and other types of cycling. Abdominal and core strengthening exercises are emphasized as well. Students registered for this class have access to the ACT room during regular hours of operation.
Additional Course Fee: $25.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Discuss the need to adjust equipment equipment based on individual factors
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Demonstrate the ability to construct a goal
- Calculate various target heart rates
PE185CH Beginning Tai Chi
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Tai Chi is a Chinese exercise form with a history dating back thousands of years. Its graceful movements and slow tempo make it an ideal activity to improve the mind/body connection, balance and coordination. This art also has self-defense applications. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate beginning Tai Chi techniques and forms.
- Demonstrate Tai Chi breathing techniques.
- Discuss benefits of a consistent Tai Chi practice.
- Discuss self-defense applications of Tai Chi.
- Discuss the history of Tai Chi.
PE185CN Intermediate Tai Chi
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185CH, Beginning Tai Chi or instructor consent.
Tai Chi is a Chinese exercise form with a history dating back thousands of years. Its graceful movements and slow tempo make it an ideal activity to improve the mind/body connection, balance and coordination. This art also has self-defense applications. This intermediate class builds on beginning skill/form development. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate intermediate Tai Chi techniques from TongBeiQuan, XinYiQuan, TaijiQuan, and Qigong styles.
PE185CP Pilates
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: Due to hygiene concerns, students will need to provide their own mats.
Pilates presents methods of controlled movements that emphasize body alignment, breathing, core strengthening and improving coordination and balance. Due to hygiene concerns, students will need to provide their own mats. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Discuss components of a safe and effective Pilates routine.
- Demonstrate various levels of Pilates exercises.
PE185CS Cardio Cross Training
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Cardio Cross Training uses exercise routines for people of all ages and fitness levels to train like an athlete. Students will be guided through a wide array of exercises that promote fitness gains and mental toughness. This course will utilize exercise equipment including, but not limited to, stationary cycles, row machines, elliptical machines, treadmills, adaptive motion trainer machines and more. Repeatable. Registered students in this course are permitted access to the ACT room during regular hours of operation.
Additional Course Fee: $25.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Calculate individual target heart rates
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Construct a goal to increase health, wellness, and/or fitness
- Explain the concept of mental toughness and how it relates to cardio-cross training
PE185CV Advanced Tai Chi
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185CN, Intermediate Tai Chi.
A continuation of the theories and principles that form the foundation of this art. Advanced techniques are applied in a practical way towards: Chen style, Wu style, Yang style and Chi Kung. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Compare and contrast different styles of Tai Chi.
- Demonstrate advanced Tai Chi techniques.
- Demonstrate Tai Chi breathing techniques.
- Discuss and demonstrate the application of techniques to various Tai Chi styles.
- Discuss the benefits of a consistent Tai Chi practice.
PE185DAA Beginning Ballet
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Beginning Ballet is designed to develop an appreciation of technique and style through participation. The pure technique will be stressed with emphasis on terminology, traditional background and personal value. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Discuss components of a safe and effective ballet training routine
- Demonstrate the positions of the feet and arms as well as the correct body alignment and postural carriage for the execution of beginning ballet techniques
- Recognize traditional beginning-level ballet terminology and translate the terms into movement
- Demonstrate the ability to construct a SMART goal
PE185DAB Intermediate Ballet
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185DAA, Beginning Ballet, or consent of instructor.
This course offers students the opportunity to continue practice dance styles and techniques that were introduced in beginning ballet. This course also introduces more intricate combinations of ballet to allow for more freedom of movement and dance variations. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate precise positions of the feet and arms as well as the correct body alignment and postural carriage for the execution of ballet techniques
- Recognize traditional ballet terminology and translate the terms into movement
- Demonstrate refined ballet steps, turns, jumps and allegro/adagio combinations
- Demonstrate the ability to construct a SMART goal
PE185DAH Jazz/Hip-Hop Dance - Beginning
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: None, though previous knowledge of another dance technique (modern or ballet) is desirable, but not required.
This course introduces various styles of dance that includes lyrical Broadway, hip hop, modern, and classical. It emphasizes classical and hip hop, center floor and isolation sequences. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- demonstrate the basics of Jazz and Hip Hop dance forms
- demonstrate the many styles of Jazz as a dance form including Hip Hop, Musical Theater, Modern, Lyrical, Latin and Classical
- convey an appreciation for dance and the arts
- demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise/movement routine
- demonstrate the ability to construct a goal
- discuss Jazz and Hip Hop from a historical and cultural perspective
PE185DAJ Jazz/Hip-Hop Dance -Intermediate
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185DAH or one quarter of jazz dance. Recommended requisite: Experience with another dance technique (modern or ballet).
This course allow students to practice a variety of dance styles that are presented in Beginning Jazz Hip Hop. This course also includes additional combinations of dance styles including Musical Theater, Latin, Jazz Funk, Krumping, and Freestyle. All material presented will be layered with additional technique that was presented in the Beginning level course. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- demonstrate the basics of Jazz and Hip Hop dance forms
- demonstrate the many styles of Jazz as a dance form including Hip Hop, Musical Theater, Modern, Lyrical, Latin and Classical
- demonstrate the ability to construct a goal
- demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise/movement routine
- develop an appreciation for dance and the arts
- discuss Jazz dance and Hip Hop from a historical and cultural perspective
PE185DC Sports and Dance Conditioning
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
All bodies can benefit from building core stabilization and a deeper awareness of body placement while training. The strength and agility conditioning in this course is designed to improve an individual’s ability to react quickly, with a solid foundation and correct form, to enhance sport performance. Barre fitness, weight training, bands, and stability ball workouts are some of the tools and exercises used to transfer the training benefits of traditional and non-traditional dance training to all athletes. This course welcomes all experience levels and abilities.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Understand the importance of consistently participating in an exercise routine
- Develop breath awareness and understand the impact on functional training and core engagement
- Demonstrate dance conditioning techniques that improve flexibility and strength
- Develop an individualized wellness goal and identify potential barriers to progress
PE185FA Lower Body and Abs
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course utilizes resistant training exercises to increase muscular strength and endurance in the legs, lower back and abdominal region. This course also emphasizes safe and efficient techniques for various exercises. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Assess progress through pre- and post-exercise testing.
- Create an individualized goal related to health, wellness, and/or performance.
- Calculate and record personal target heart rate zones
- Demonstrate consistency participating in a structured exercise routine
PE185FD Core Conditioning
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course utilizes a variety of exercise equipment throughout an exercise routine. Exercises are presented to increase the strength, stability and mobility of the abdominal and core region. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate proper technique, application, and execution of a physical or performance related skill.
- Develop an individualized goal and explain relevance to personal life.
- Evaluate resting, exercise, and recovery heart rate and demonstrate application to an exercise routine.
- Demonstrate a variety of core-strengthening exercises and identify targeted muscle groups.
PE185FE Exercise Bootcamp
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: A general exercise class for all skill levels.
Exercise Bootcamp is a course that targets overall body fitness. Students (all levels) will participate in daily-varied exercise. Class will include, walking, running, free weight training, calisthenics, group sports, endurance exercises and stretching. Each class includes warm up, a core set of exercise activities and cool down - with stretch. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Develop an individualized a SMART goal and identify potential barriers to progress.
- Evaluate resting, exercise, and recovery heart rate and demonstrate application to an exercise routine.
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine.
- Demonstrate proper technique, application and execution of a physical or\\nperformance related skill
PE185FSW Swimming and Basic Water Safety
Credit 1Spring
Course design is intended to provide the student with the opportunity to learn/improve basic swimming skills, swim conditioning and endurance, and aquatic rescue skills. Stroke instruction, swim conditioning and basic rescue skills will enable self-sufficiency and enjoyment in aquatic environments. The American Red Cross Basic Water Safety certification will be awarded upon successful completion. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Develop one short term goal to enhance swim skills or conditioning for fitness improvement or safety
PE185FW Beginning Fitness Walking
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course provides students a quality aerobic workout by engaging in fitness walking. The course addresses the basic principles that govern sound aerobic conditioning programs. The Beginning Fitness Walking course aims to have students develop positive attitudes and lifestyle habits that support exercise adherence. Repeatable.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Calculate and record various target heart rates
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Demonstrate the ability to construct a goal
- Participate in various types of interval training
PE185FY Intermediate Fitness Walking
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: None.
Intermediate Fitness Walking is for individuals who have decided walking is going to be their primary mode of exercise. This course will help students in setting up and adhering to a walking program for effective exercise and weight control for a lifetime. Repeatable.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Calculate and record various target heart rates
- Complete and compare pre/post aerobic fitness tests
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Demonstrate the ability to construct a goal
PE185GC Introduction to Indoor Rock Climbing
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: None.
This course is designed for the beginning climber who wants to learn the basics of climbing at an indoor climbing gym. This course covers the topics and skills necessary to safely boulder and top rope. Topics covered include safety, knots, belaying and basic climbing technique. In addition, this course is designed to improve the climbing ability and fitness level of those enrolled. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $84.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate basic climbing techniques
- Demonstrate how to safely use a belay system
- Demonstrate how to tie appropriate climbing knots associated with indoor rock climbing
- Demonstrate proper safety protocol and climbing etiquette
PE185KA Beginning Tae Kwon Do
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
This course introduces the fundamental techniques, skills and philosophies employed in the Korean martial art of Tae Kwan Do to beginning students. Korean history and culture is also presented. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate a proficiency in beginning level (White belt) knowledge and skills in Tae Kwon Do.
PE185KB Intermediate Tae Kwon Do
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185KA, or by consent of instructor.
This course allows students to continue practicing the fundamental techniques presented in beginning Tae Kwon Do. Students are also presented with additional techniques, skills and philosophies. Korean culture and history is also expanded. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate a proficiency in intermediate level (Color belt) knowledge and skills in Tae Kwon Do.
PE185KC Advanced Tae Kwon Do
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185KB or instructor consent.
This course will present advanced techniques and philosophies employed in the Korean martial art of Tae Kwan Do. This course will also provide aspects of Korean history and culture. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate a proficiency in various advanced (Brown/Black belt) Tae Kwon Do techniques/forms
- Demonstrate an advanced (Brown/Black belt) understanding of topics relating to Tae Kwon Do and Korean culture
- Demonstrate consistency participating at an advanced level in an exercise routine
PE185KD Street Defense: The Combative Art
Credit 1Fall/Spring
This is a martial art that originated in the Philippines over a thousand years ago. This combative art involves hands, sticks, and the use of other martial arts weapons. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate appropriate fighting stance and body movement.
- Demonstrate use of martial arts weapons.
- Demonstrate various combative techniques.
- Discuss history and principles of Philippine street defense.
- Discuss various footwork patterns in street defense.
- Identify control and strike points.
- Identify the importance of a consistent self-defense practice.
PE185KY Introduction to Whitewater Kayaking
Credit 1Spring
Registration Requirement: Solid swimming skills are necessary.
This course introduces students to the safe and skilled use of whitewater kayaks. It is designed for students with no previous whitewater kayaking experience. The course will focus on basic paddling skills, river reading, and navigating whitewater. Instruction will take place in the aquatic center and in the river setting. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $137.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Perform various paddle strokes and kayak maneuvers.
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of hydrology and river dynamics.
- Implement various rescue techniques, both as a rescuer and victim.
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques associated with mode of travel and environment.
PE185KYI Intermediate Whitewater Kayaking
Credit 1Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185KY.
This course is designed to build upon the skills introduced in the introduction to whitewater kayaking class. Students will learn more advanced whitewater kayaking skills. Emphasis is on river reading techniques, strokes, safety, self-rescue and rescue of others. This course prepares students to effectively navigate class III whitewater. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $137.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Perform advanced paddling skills and techniques.
- Perform kayak maneuvers while navigating whitewater.
- Demonstrate techniques necessary for self-rescue and rescue of others.
- Identify various river features/obstacles and explain the hydrology associated with features.
- Read a rapid and pick the safest line through.
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques associated with mode of travel and environment.
PE185LAA Basketball Conditioning
Credit 1Fall
This course is designed to physically condition students to prepare them to be able to participate in basketball at the intercollegiate level. NCAA women's basketball rules are followed. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- understand the rules of basketball according the NCAA rule book
- demonstrate, during sustained team play, the ability to execute the following basic basketball fundamental skills: dribbling, shooting, passing, rebounding and defense.
- demonstrate increased , muscular endurance, and cardiovascular endurance specific to the sport of basketball
- employ defensive and offensive skills at an advanced level.
- demonstrate multiple consecutive transition situations of offense to defense and defense to offense
- demonstrate use of goal-setting to enhance physical performance
PE185LAF Advanced Basketball
Credit 1Winter
Registration Requirement: Instructor permission. Concurrent requisite: REC3B or REC3C.
Advanced Basketball is established for our men's and women's collegiate teams and covers skill development in passing, dribbling, shooting and rebounding needed to participate in basketball at the intercollegiate level. Team concepts of offense, defense and transition as well as strategy, conditioning and personal development will also be covered. Section 01 will use men's basketball rules; section 02 will use women's basketball rules. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate knowledge of NCAA Basketball Rules
- Demonstrate offensive and defensive strategies
- Demonstrate physical fundamentals and communication to be success in real game situations
- Execute the fundamental offensive and defensive skills of basketball
PE185LAI Volleyball Strategies, Advanced
Credit 1Fall
This course provides instruction and drill in advanced skills in volleyball for intercollegiate participants. Particular emphasis is placed upon strategy and skill combinations. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate offensive skills at an intermediate or advanced level for participating in a collegiate competition.
- Demonstrate defensive skills at an intermediate or advanced level for participating in a collegiate competition.
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Demonstrate goal-setting techniques to enhance performance/skills
- Demonstrate when to implement particular offensive and defensive strategies based on opponent's strengths and weaknesses
- Students will apply and demonstrate leadership techniques
PE185MNA Basketball
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: None.
This class provides an opportunity for the student to receive instruction in the basic skills required for participation in the game of basketball. It is recommended for those desiring to develop their knowledge and understanding of the game while participating in an activity which will enhance their physical conditioning. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- develop an understanding of the rules of the game of basketball
- demonstrate proper technique, application, and execution of a physical or performance related skill during game play.
- demonstrate basic defensive movements and anticipation.
- demonstrate basic offensive skills of ball handling, shooting, rebounding, and passing.
PE185MNB Basketball Conditioning
Credit 1Fall
This course is designed to physically condition students to prepare them to be able to participate in the sport of basketball at the intercollegiate level. The course observes NCAA men's basketball rules. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- understand the rules of basketball according the NCAA rule book
- demonstrate, during sustained team play, the ability to execute the following basic basketball fundamental skills: dribbling, shooting, passing, rebounding and defense.
- demonstrate cardio-respiratory and muscular endurance conditioning conducive to varsity basketball competition
- employ defensive and offensive skills at an advanced level.
- demonstrate multiple consecutive transition situations of offense to defense and defense to offense
- demonstrate use of goal-setting to enhance physical performance
PE185MND Baseball Conditioning
Credit 1Fall/Winter
Registration Requirement: Concurrent requisite: REC3A.
Students review fundamental skills. Advanced techniques are introduced. Competitive team play is provided to increase the student's skill level, using various performance evaluations. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- understand the rules of baseball according to the NCAA rule book
- demonstrate cardiorespiratory and muscular endurance conditioning conducive to varsity baseball competition
- demonstrate basic offensive skills of running, bunting, and hitting
- demonstrate basic defensive skills of throwing, fielding, pitching, and positioning
- demonstrate the ability to use goal setting to enhance physical skill performance
PE185MNE Advanced Baseball
Credit 1Spring
Registration Requirement: Concurrent requisite: REC3A. Instructor permission.
The course provides an opportunity for the already skilled performer to further develop and improve their physical and mental baseball skills. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate correct defensive and offensive strategies in game situations
- Demonstrate correct use of rules in college baseball
- Demonstrate physical fundamentals and communication to be success in real game situations
- Demonstrate the ability to create individual and team goals
- Execute the fundamental skills of baseball
- Participate in intercollegiate baseball practice
PE185OB Hiking
Credit 1Fall/Spring
This course is designed for students interested in learning the fundamentals of day hiking. Students have an opportunity to learn about specialized equipment, clothing, map reading, and resources for gathering information pertinent to planning a hike. Students learn about the essential safety equipment needed in the outdoor environment. Course includes field trips throughout the term. It is recommended that students be in good physical health.
Additional Course Fee: $83.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Research and organize a safe day hike
- Assess environmental factors and select appropriate clothing and equipment
- Utilize simple navigation techniques
- Treat common injuries associated with day hiking
- Practice the seven principles of Leave No Trace
PE185OJ Introduction to Mountaineering
Credit 1Spring - even years
This course is designed for students interested in learning the basics of mountain climbing. Students learn how to travel in mountain environments on rock, snow, and ice. Students will learn about the proper use of mountaineering equipment, knots, anchors, rope systems and rope travel. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $152.00
View Course Outcomes:
- Describe and select the appropriate clothing and equipment for mountaineering.
- Explain and demonstrate safe rope travel techniques.
- Identify and use appropriate ascending and descending techniques for a variety of terrain.
- Perform safe self-arrests with and without an ice axe.
- Discuss the proper implementation of snow anchors.
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques associated with mode of travel and environment.
PE185OT Backcountry Skiing and Snowboarding
Credit 1Winter - odd years
Registration Requirement: PE185SB or instructor consent, and previous skiing or snowboarding experience.
This course is designed for students interested in learning the basics of backcountry snowboarding and skiing. Students learn about the design and operation of backcountry skis, boots and bindings, as well as split-boards. Instruction focuses on the basic skills needed to transfer from ski lifts to backcountry environments. This course also covers in-field application of backcountry travel safety techniques which include winter trip preparation and avalanche avoidance. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $167.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate leadership/guiding methods used for backcountry skiing/snowboarding
- Demonstrate proper avalanche avoidance techniques
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques associated with mode of travel and environment
- Demonstrate safe route finding decision making skills
- Identify appropriate environmental conditions for safe backcountry travel
PE185PF Applied Cross Training
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
An individualized approach to lifelong fitness with significant emphasis on developing cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, endurance and flexibility along with altering body composition. Repeatable. Individuals who have any of the following conditions, or have an immediate family history of any of the listed conditions, are considered to be at higher risk for incident. A physical examination by a physician prior to attempting A.C.T. is recommended. Conditions: Heart disease or currently taking medication for heart disease; High blood pressure (in excess of 140/85); Diabetes; Use or have used drugs (tobacco, alcohol, opioids, illicit drugs, etc.); Over the age of 35.
Additional Course Fee: $25.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Construct an initial workout program.
- Develop an individualized a SMART goal and identify potential barriers to progress.
- Evaluate resting, exercise, and recovery heart rate and demonstrate application to an exercise routine.
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine.
PE185RK Beginning Rock Climbing
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Spring
This course is designed to introduce the student to the sport of rock climbing. Students climb in a variety of settings including indoor and outdoor. Students learn belay techniques, knots, climbing movement, rappelling, simple anchor building, as well as equipment selection and care. Students will learn how to safely set up and manage a top rope climb. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $87.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Apply knowledge of basic gear requirements of outdoor climbing and construct an appropriate list of gear needs.
- Demonstrate basic climbing techniques.
- Demonstrate correct use of a belay system.
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques.
- Identify and tie a variety of climbing knots.
- Locate, assess, set up, and use bolted and natural anchors.
PE185RKI Intermediate Rock Climbing
Credit 1Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185RK.
This course is designed for students with previous climbing experience. Students have an opportunity to learn intermediate level climbing skills and equipment management. Topics include anchor construction using natural and artificial protection, belaying from the top and bottom, clipping bolts during sport climbs and cleaning/removing gear from a route. Climbing takes place in the field on real rock and at the MHCC indoor climbing wall. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $116.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate appropriate methods for clipping into an anchor.
- Demonstrate belaying a leader and catching a lead fall.
- Demonstrate construction and analyze the safety of a top rope anchors.
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques associated with mode of travel and environment.
- Demonstrate safe belaying techniques.
- Discuss how to avoid common mistakes when clipping into an anchor.
PE185RR Road Running
Credit 1Fall/Spring
This course presents opportunities for students to practice safe and efficient running techniques. Road Running introduces the benefits of incorporating and maintaining exercise throughout an individual's lifetime. Strategies to improve running performance and enjoy participating in the sport of road running will be discussed. All levels welcome. Students will be instructed to train at their current levels of fitness. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Calculate and record personal target heart rate zones
- Demonstrate consistency participating in a structured exercise routine
- Demonstrate the ability to construct a goal
- Compare pre and post-test data
- Develop and maintain a running log/journal
PE185RT Rafting
Credit 1Spring
This course introduces students to whitewater rafting. Students will learn basic paddle techniques, hydrology, and river-reading skills. The course will also include self-rescue and group rescue techniques. Instruction will take place on local rivers, no experience or equipment needed. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $97.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate a safety briefing and techniques necessary for self-rescue and the rescue of others
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques associated with mode of travel and environment
- Demonstrate river-reading skills by identifying river hydraulic features
- Explain the systems for rating river rapids and skills needed to navigate rapids
- Perform various types of strokes to maneuver a raft
PE185RTI Intermediate Rafting
Credit 1Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185RT or instructor permission. Recommended WL182.
This course is designed to build upon the skills introduced in the beginning rafting class. This class introduces students to more advanced whitewater rafting skills. Emphasis is on river reading techniques, maneuvering raft, safety, rescue and equipment care. This course also introduces students to maneuvering an oar raft and rigging. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $97.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques associated with mode of travel and environment
- Demonstrate the various types of advanced paddle rafting strokes and stroke combinations
- Discuss equipment construction, repair and care
- Identify features in the river and demonstrate ability to maneuver a paddle raft based on skill level of captain and crew while in class II moving water
- Perform oar rafting strokes
PE185SB Beginning Snowboarding and Skiing
Credit 1Winter
This course introduces students to the sport of alpine skiing and snowboarding and covers all fundamental skill requirements for safe, enjoyable participation. Students learn about equipment use, safety, ski lift (loading and unloading) techniques, turning, speed control and proper stopping. Students may incur additional fees for equipment rentals, lift tickets, etc. depending on students' needs.
Additional Course Fee: $18.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Safely load and unload from a ski lift.
- Identify safety aspects of snowboarding and skiing equipment
- Demonstrate basic skiing or riding skills including turning, slowing, and stopping.
PE185SBV Advanced Softball
Credit 1Spring
Registration Requirement: Concurrent enrollment in REC3E. Instructor signature.
This course provides an opportunity for the skills performer to improve performance levels in selected skill areas and overall game strategy. Women's NCAA and NWAACC rules will be the basis for this course. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate and apply the basic rules of collegiate softball
- Demonstrate fundamental defensive and offensive strategies in game situations
- Demonstrate the ability to create individual and team goals
- Execute the fundamental skills of softball
- Participate in intercollegiate softball practice
PE185SF Soccer
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course will teach students the basic rules of soccer. Students will develop skill techniques during the process and practice of game play. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic rules, terminology, and scoring of soccer.
- Develop an individualized a SMART goal and identify potential barriers to progress.
- Evaluate resting, exercise, and recovery heart rate and demonstrate application to an exercise routine.
- Understand the importance of consistently participating in an exercise routine.
PE185SS Snowshoeing
Credit 1Winter
This class will introduce students to the fundamentals of snowshoeing. Topics include equipment selection, appropriate winter clothing, trip planning, risk management, avalanche awareness, and cold-related injuries. Students must participate in snowshoe field outings to surrounding locations. No experience or equipment needed. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $83.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Identify equipment and clothing needed to safely and comfortably participate in snowshoe outings.
- Assess various hazards and plan a safe snowshoe outing.
- Demonstrate proper selection, usage, care and storage of snowshoe equipment.
- Recognize signs and symptoms of cold-related injuries and discuss appropriate treatment.
PE185SWK Water Aerobics
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: Beginning level of swimming and water comfort is strongly recommended.
This course is designed to develop or maintain cardio-respiratory and muscular fitness utilizing water resistance. Exercises and water activities are designed to provide resistance for the isolation of specific muscle groups and stress the cardio-respiratory system. A non-swimmer should seek instructor approval. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- demonstrate proper technique, application and execution of a physical or performance related skill
- discuss how to develop an individualized goal and identify potential barriers to progress
- evaluate exercise intensity using the Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale and demonstrate application to an exercise routine
- understand the importance of consistently participating in an exercise routine
PE185SWM Beginning Swimming
Credit 1Fall/Spring
This course is designed to help the non-swimming student feel comfortable and safe in the water. Water adjustment, fundamental swimming skills and safety concepts are addressed. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- demonstrate proper technique in a variety of water adjustment and mobility skills
- develop an individualized goal for improved fitness\\n
- evaluate exercise intensity using the Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale or Heart Rate and apply to an exercise routine
- understand the importance of consistently participating in an exercise program
PE185SWQ Fitness Lap Swimming
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: Students must be able to swim 100 yards (4 lengths of the indoor pool), preferably continuously, or have instructor permission.
Fitness Lap Swim provides an opportunity to maintain or improve general fitness through regular swim training. Workouts will be provided in the form of written swim sets, individual development workouts and group competitions. Swim techniques will also be evaluated and developed in order for individual swimmers to achieve safe and efficient workout skills in and structured, instructor lead, training program. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate various swim strokes with correct form.
- Develop an individualized SMART goal and identify potential barriers to progress
- Evaluate resting, exercise, and recovery heart rate and demonstrate application to an exercise routine
- Understand the importance of consistently participating in an exercise routine
PE185SWY Flexible Fitness Lap Swim
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: Student must have the ability to swim 100 yards (4 lengths of the indoor pool) continuously or have instructor's permission.
Flexible Fitness Lap Swim provides an opportunity for swim training, technique development, and general fitness maintenance or improvement in an independent, self-guided, format. Swim workouts will be provided through online links to workouts or left up to individual choice. Instructor will be available during prearranged times for stroke evaluation, technique drills, and personalized workout programs. Repeatable. Flexible Lap Swim students are required to participate a minimum of three hours per week at the MHCC Aquatic Center. Students may swim at their convenience during open lap swim hours. Students must attend an orientation session after they register or contact instructor during the first week of instruction.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Improve or maintain cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength/endurance through regular participation in swim training
- Develop a swim-related goal and identify potential barriers to progress.
PE185SWZ Introduction to Swim Training
Credit 1Fall/Spring
This swimming class is designed to help the beginning swimmer feel more comfortable in the water and introduces basic swim training techniques. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- demonstrate proper technique, application and execution of various water mobility skills
- discuss how to develop an individualized goal and identify potential barriers to progress
- evaluate exercise intensity using the Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale or Heart Rate and demonstrate application to an exercise routine
- understand the importance of consistently participating in an exercise routine
PE185SY Sunrise Yoga
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Yoga in the morning can help minimize stress and improve productivity. This class is designed to teach individuals the value of early morning stretching and improve overall flexibility and strength. Students will build mind-body connection through an understanding of flexion/extension and correlation to inhalation/exhalation during movement. Starting the day connected to oneself supports skills essential in creating the life you desire. This course welcomes all experience levels and abilities.
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Understand the importance of consistently participating in a morning yoga routine for physical, emotional and mental wellness
- Develop breath awareness and understand impact on functional training
- Demonstrate yoga techniques that improve flexibility and strength
- Develop an individualized wellness goal and identify potential barriers to progress
PE185TA Beginning Tennis
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Spring
This course is an introduction to basic instruction on strokes, rules and strategy as they pertain to beginning tennis. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic rules, terminology, and scoring of tennis.
- Demonstrate proficiency and understanding of tennis strokes.
- Develop an individualized a SMART goal and identify potential barriers to progress.
- Understand the importance of consistently participating in an exercise routine.
PE185TB Intermediate Tennis
Credit 1
Registration Requirement: PE185TA, Beginning Tennis, or equivalent skills.
This course will provide a review of basic fundamentals and terminology of tennis and instruction in intermediate play. Advanced strategies in singles and doubles play are introduced. A key component is continued work on individual stroke improvement. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic rules, terminology, and scoring of tennis.
- Demonstrate proficiency and understanding of more advanced tennis strokes.
- Develop an individualized a SMART goal and identify potential barriers to progress.
- Understand the importance of consistently participating in an exercise routine.
PE185TC Track and Field Conditioning
Credit 1Fall
This course prepares students for participation in the sport of track and field. Students will engage in strength and conditioning exercises as well as demonstrate an understanding of the rules that govern the sport of track and field. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Construct a goal to enhance performance, health and/or wellness
- Demonstrate a proficiency of skills necessary to participate in various track and field events
- Demonstrate an understanding of the rules that govern the sport of track and field
- Demonstrate consistency participating in a structured exercise routine
PE185TD Track and Field
Credit 1Fall/Winter
This course offers students the opportunity to practice techniques necessary to participate in the various events of track and field. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Construct a goal to enhance performance, health and/or wellness
- Demonstrate a proficiency in skills specific to a track and field event
- Demonstrate an understanding of the rules that govern the sport of track and field
- Demonstrate consistency participating in a structured exercise routine
PE185TE Running Cross Country
Credit 1Fall
Registration Requirement: Instructor permission.
This course allows students to practice the strategies and skills necessary to engage in competitive long distance running. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Critically analyze practice and performance for improvement which includes student/player involvement
PE185TF Advanced Track and Field
Credit 1Spring
Registration Requirement: Instructor permission.
Advanced conditioning techniques and skill techniques in track and field events will be presented in this course. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Critically analyze practice and performance for improvement which includes student/player involvement
PE185VA Beginning Volleyball
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
This course introduces students to the sport of volleyball. Students will learn the basic skills, rules, strategy and competitive nature of the game. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate basic offensive and defensive skills
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Identify the basic rules of the game
- Demonstrate basic technique, application, and execution of a physical or performance related skill during game play.
- Explain the physical, social and competitive values of the sport of volleyball
- Develop an individualized wellness goal and identify potential barriers to progress
PE185VB Intermediate Volleyball
Credit 1Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: PE185VA or consent of instructor.
This course is designed for students who have completed a course in PE185VA Beginning Volleyball or can demonstrate beginning volleyball skills and competencies and provides opportunity for acquisition of intermediate skills as well as higher levels of competitive action. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine.
- Demonstrate intermediate offensive and defensive skills.
- Identify the rules of the game
- Identify and apply offensive and defensive strategies while participating in game-type situations
- Demonstrate progressive technique, application, and execution of a physical or performance related skill during game play.
- Explain the physical, social and competitive values of the sport of volleyball.
- Develop an individualized wellness goal and identify potential barriers to progress.
PE185VC Advanced Volleyball
Credit 1Spring
This course is designed to physically and psychologically condition advanced students to participate in competitive and collegiate volleyball. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Critically analyze practice and games situations for improvement which includes student/player involvement
PE185WBT Winter Camping
Credit 1Winter
This course introduces students to the basics of winter camping. Students learn about and practice the design/construction of traditional and modern winter shelters including: igloos, snow caves, quinzees, snow trenches and protected tents. This course also covers the essentials of winter camping including winter expedition food selection and preparation, appropriate clothing selection, winter backcountry hazards, and minimum impact camping techniques. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $149.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate proper winter navigation techniques to effectively and safely travel in winter terrain
- Dress appropriately for multiple days in cold conditions.
- Discuss the basic human physiological needs such as hydration, nutrition and thermal regulation and methods to safely meet these needs in a winter backcountry setting
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various types of winter shelters
- Discuss avalanche assessment and terrain considerations.
- Demonstrate proper Leave No Trace techniques associated with mode of travel and environment
PE185WD Weightlifting - Beginning
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course introduces principles, terminology, and techniques involved in lifting weights. Students are expected to obtain and follow an individualized weightlifting program. Proper instruction using resistance machines, free weights, body weight, and other strength training exercises will be given. An emphasis will be placed on safe and efficient lifting technique, etiquette, and spotting. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate consistency participating in a weightlifting routine
- Develop a weightlifting-related goal
- Obtain and apply a personalized weightlifting program
- Identify and describe general concepts related to weightlifting
- Recognize various muscle groups used to lift weights
PE185WE Weightlifting - Intermediate
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
Registration Requirement: Previous weight lifting experience. Recommended PE185WD.
This course reinforces principles, terminology, and techniques involved in lifting weights. Student are expected to develop an individualized goal-centered weightlifting program. Proper instruction using resistance machines, free weights, body weight, and other strength training exercises will be given. An emphasis will be placed on safe and efficient lifting technique, etiquette, and spotting. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate consistency participating in an exercise routine
- Develop a weightlifting-related goal
- Create a weightlifting program
- Identify and describe various concepts that relate to weightlifting
- Identify specific skeletal muscles involved in lifting weights and their functions
PE185WSB Softball Conditioning
Credit 1Fall/Winter
Registration Requirement: Concurrent enrollment in REC3E required.
This course reviews fundamental skills. Advanced skill techniques and conditioning drills will be introduced and practiced. Competitive team play will be provided to increase the students' skill level. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate improved physical conditioning
- Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of softball
- Demonstrate use of goal-setting to enhance physical performance
- Perform the fundamental skills of running, throwing, catching, hitting, and bunting
PE185WTA Introduction to Outdoor Water Sports
Credit 1Spring
This course introduces students to various outdoor water sports. Students are exposed to the fundamental techniques of river kayaking, sea kayaking, canoeing, stand up paddle boarding, and whitewater rafting. Focuses are on proper paddling techniques, safety, and self and assisted rescue. This course is taught in the pool. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $17.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate proper paddling techniques for a variety of water crafts.
- Demonstrate self-rescue and assisted rescue techniques.
- Explain skills and methods used to lead a safe water-based trip in various types of water crafts.
- Identify hazardous water conditions from shore.
- Evaluate safety of a variety of water crafts.
PE185YC Mind-Body Yoga
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course will allow the student to experience the mind-body connection and learn mindfulness techniques through yoga postures, breathing, and meditation. This course is also designed to give the student an option to create a personalized home practice plan that will promote strength, flexibility and peace of mind. The class will also include a brief introduction to yoga philosophy and meditation. Due to hygiene concerns, students will need to provide their own mats. Repeatable.
Additional Course Fee: $5.00
This course fulfills: Health & Physical Education
View Course Outcomes:
- Demonstrate various yoga poses with appropriate technique and alignment.
- Design an individual yoga practice to fit one's lifestyle and personal development.
- Develop an individualized goal and identify potential barriers to progress.
- Identify the benefits of a consistent yoga practice.
PE280A Co-op Education - Physical Educ
Credit 1Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course is intended to provide students with learning experience to support their course of study and/or career goals. Each Co-op experience will provide opportunities to develop marketable workplace readiness skills, apply classroom learning on-the-job, and gain specific occupational skills through real-world hands-on learning. Must be enrolled in a certificate or degree program. Instructor and Dean's signature required.
View Course Outcomes:
- Apply the skills and knowledge learned from the classroom/program in a real-world setting.
- Identify what academic preparation and/or skills that are needed to work in the field and make adjustments in their own academic program if necessary.
- Obtain field/work experience and relate it to program/course work as outlined in a work plan/project.
PE280B Coop Ed-Physical Education
Credits 2Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course is intended to provide students with learning experience to support their course of study and/or career goals. Each Co-op experience will provide opportunities to develop marketable workplace readiness skills, apply classroom learning on-the-job, and gain specific occupational skills through real-world hands-on learning. Must be enrolled in a certificate or degree program. Instructor and Dean's signature required.
View Course Outcomes:
- Apply the skills and knowledge learned from the classroom/program in a real-world setting.
- Identify what academic preparation and/or skills that are needed to work in the field, and make adjustments in own academic program if necessary.
- Obtain field/work experience and relate it to program/ course work as outlined in a work plan/project.
PE280C Coop Ed-Physical Education
Credits 3Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring
This course is intended to provide students with learning experience to support their course of study and/or career goals. Each Co-op experience will provide opportunities to develop marketable workplace readiness skills, apply classroom learning on-the-job, and gain specific occupational skills through real-world hands-on learning. Must be enrolled in a certificate or degree program. Instructor and Dean's signature required.
View Course Outcomes:
- Apply the skills and knowledge learned from the classroom/program in a real-world setting.
- Identify what academic preparation and/or skills that are needed to work in the field, and make adjustments in their own academic program if necessary.
- Obtain field/work experience and relate it to program/ course work as outlined in a work plan/project.
Online option regularly offered
Cultural Literacy course